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timmy k

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Everything posted by timmy k

  1. Where did I say his parents. I never. I said somewhere along the line a white fellas done the deed, but as with every comment on here words are twisted.
  2. Tommo I said they got raped I don't think anyone does that deliberately! But it is true that the masters would rape them to make the offspring better looking house Nigers as they Called them.basically they were bred like livestock eg strong man to strong woman for heavy field work and so on, but if you look at it logically it's probaly why theirs so many great black athletes
  3. I think you'll find bird that a lot of blacks aren't full black they got raped a lot in the plantations.look at Ali his skin wasn't so black and he wasn't a bad looker either, exactly why they would cross breed.
  4. Ali was a racist puppet? Why should he be their! What about ray Charles? And as has already been mentioned bob Marley probaly because the two of them were permanently high but they done more than the rest except Martin Luther King!
  5. This is like somebody who enjoys a drink, if he denies being an alcoholic he's an alcoholic, and if he admits it... well damned if you do damned if you don't. The best way to sort this is like they did to witches, throw them in a lake if the drown their who they say, but if they float their jb. Problem solved!!
  6. timmy k

    Lidle Find

    I don't follow that pound for pound stuff. An ant can carry many times its own weight but if I stand on it it gets squished
  7. timmy k

    Lidle Find

    To get back onto the dogs running off bit. Has anybody seen Swiss family Robinson? Where the 2 great Danes they had kept going after a tiger and having a running battle. Now I'm not saying it wasn't a tame tiger but the Danes probably didn't know that and they still went in for a scrap, Against a tiger not some poxy leopard added to that these were great Danes, not the gamest of dogs even when the film was made.
  8. I'm going on holiday to Portugal next month and fancy giving spear fishing a try. Has anybody tried it? What gear should I invest in? I don't want anything to fancy or expensive as it will only be to mess about. Should I buy here or there and if here do I have to inform the airline I've got a spear gun in my luggage? And what kind of fish should I look for and avoid, I'll be eating my catch so don't won't to kill stuff and find out it tastes rank!
  9. timmy k

    Lidle Find

    I watched a documentary on one of these big cats years ago, can't remember if it was leopards or jaguars, and they were saying dogs are their favorite food and would often set traps up with a live dog at the end of the cage. The poor dog must of been shitting it's self left alone in a cage all night with one of them f****r. So in that respect why aren't dog carcasses being found? And why would a farmer or anyone else want to risk their dog being taken? Also I don't belive the stories were someone's slipped some dogs and they've come running back with no contact! The story were the dogs were ba
  10. What a shame such an unusual specimen had such a bad stuffing
  11. Is it not possible that the wounds could of come from something else? Maybe a car , another buck , barbed wire or just bad luck. And as for a broken leg , lets not be silly , if a dog caught the deer and broke it's leg even if it got away I would of thought it would quite easily catch it again.
  12. No one would want that f****r anyway it's a big ugly ferret!
  13. It says he's from West mids in his avatar The ferret my sister found was in merseyside.
  14. No wonder it got banned with that f***ing song
  15. I didn't know where to put this but due to the fact it's a ferret in the story is thought I'd start here and if the mods feel it's better off somewhere else then move it. Anyway my sister was walking her dogs the other day only to come across a ferret on the street, so she tells my other sister who only lives around the corner. She comes over gives a squeek and the ferret comes rushing over (Ive had ferrets on and off for years so their no strangers to ferrets).she picks the ferret up and it's obviously tame so she takes it home and puts up on social media asking if anyone's lost a hob ferret
  16. Wise choice, that way you can pick the dog you want rather than make do with some soppy shite that someone recommended
  17. Everyone ones saying every dogs different which is true, but every type of autism is different which is why it's called autistic spectrum disorder (asd). My daughters autistic and whilst she's good with my dogs and my dogs good with her I wouldn't leave any dog with any child unaccompanied. Build a kennel it's alot easier and that way you have piece of mind
  18. Laddy lurcher has it spot on. It's the end of the season for lurchers so ask about shooting pigeons, crows and rats.shoot away threw the summer, get to know the farmer and if your lurcher is well behaved and will retrieve what you shoot take him on from time to time, then come September inquire about lamping and jobs a gooden.
  19. Anyone can have beliefs forced on them, it's wether or not you take them on board that decides if your weak or not
  20. Do you not think he's quietly forcing his beliefs on you. As I say you would go out your way to make him something he's comfortable eating, but he's giving you stuff he eats and makes anyway. Although this fella from your description seems different to the ones I've met...they were all c**ts. But don't think I've got a hatred of them, my missus was a veggie when we first starting courting, but once she sampled my meat she was hooked.
  21. The thing is rake about, you go to his house and get fed vegan shite but when he goes to yours would he eat what ever it is you've made? I fookin doubt it!
  22. What rights has a dog warden got to ask for anything. Their not the police , their job as far as I'm aware is to pick up strays. Maybe it's different in Ireland
  23. I always enjoy being out with dogs mate. Thanks again
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