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timmy k

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Everything posted by timmy k

  1. That should add an extra zero on them pups ha ha. Did you get my message?
  2. Is that terrier your daughters got hold of old dirty dick
  3. Thanks chaps I'll get one ordered in the next few weeks
  4. Who is it that sells the sharp tooth forks and how much are they, I believe theirs some copies out their that are shite and don't want to order the wrong one
  5. Theirs a vet in crosby can't remember the name of the place but he seems to take the blind eye approach on working scars so maybe he might oblige with docking.
  6. Yes I think where I found that one it was exactly the same
  7. I don't see the point in it to be honest but I do think if something like that video was available in this country would it give people a more sympathetic view to what we do? After all some of the dogs on that video weren't even terriers, although I don't know how it would fair with baiting laws.
  8. And here it is in the Demi Jon bubbling away. When I sieved it their Was a bit left over and being a piss head it tasted really strong, as in You could feel the vapours strong, is that right or is it going to be rocket Fuel?
  9. Sorry don't know why I've had to make another post but here goes top up to 6 litres with water. Stir daily, on the third day pour into a Demi Jon using a funnel and doubled over muslin cloth, when the cloth start to get full of peaches, squeeze out the juice and discard the pulp, then carry on until the Demi Jon is at the shoulder, top up with water if necessary. Add the bung and bubbler and leave until it bubbles once every 2 mins, I'm not up to that stage yet so I'll post again
  10. As promised here goes 2.5kg peaches 1kg sugar 250ml grape concentrate Tannin ( I used a mug of black tea) 1tsp pectolase ( I never added this because I wanted to lessen stuff that was added) Yeast nutrient 1 tsp acid blend Yeast Take the stones out the peaches and roughly chop pour a kettle of boiling water over the peaches. Allow to cool then add the rest of the stuff, give it a good stir and within 12 hours should be bubbling away ( mine was bubbling in less than 6 hours)
  11. Theirs no such thing as good rigger boots! My feet are f****d wearing them things for work, their decent for about 3 months then fall to pieces. In fairness the meindles are a good solid comfy boot but the price of them brings a tear to my eye. I'm deffo gonna get them seal skin socks to last me till crimbo then ask santa for a new pair
  12. I'm in them nearly every day, but you don't understand I'm a minge bag! For £200 + I'd expect them to outlive me. I bought my car for 200 quid for fucks sake and that still going strong 6 years on minus a few rattles.
  13. Ive had my meindle Dovre for only about 5 years and their starting to leak!! I feel well ripped of, so I'm gonna buy some seal skin socks and get another five years out of them.
  14. I don't think it's very strong to be honest, drank a litre of the stuff the other day and I havnt gone blind yet
  15. Cheeky b*****d I shot loads before even got their. I had some the other day, it was nice but a bit to sweet and perfumery for my taste. And it was two litres give me some credit for my generousity
  16. I've already found a recipe thanks, I'll put it up when I've got a bit of spare time
  17. Is it the same dog that came out of a hole looking all shook up! Sorry I couldn't resist
  18. Anyone got any peach wine recipes please
  19. Cheers mate, am I the only one who thinks there should be a section just for homebrew. I've just started and I'm loving my new hobby
  20. Where do you get the enzyme, yeast and yeast nutrient from?
  21. Why is a Labrador in the terrier section?? .......Only messing he's a lump of a dog
  22. Done the Pamplona bull run twice in the same week, scary stuff but I'd deffo do it again and recommend anyone to do it. If memory serves me right the festival goes on for 7 days and the bulls that are ran though are from a different breeder each day, everyday was well attended. And on another note most bull fights happen at the same time as Spanish festivals, so find a festival and a bull fight shouldn't be far away.
  23. Has it crossed no ones mind that they may of been looking after orphaned cubs and when the antis entered the barn at night they killed a cub, and set up the cameras for the next day knowing full well it would get binned? Let's face it, it's a well known fact antis are a f****n looney bunch that will go to any lengths to achieve their goals.
  24. Have you been to butlins ?? Fook me I'd rather be given the death sentence!
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