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Everything posted by ngbacon

  1. lol ,completely agree mate, cant stand footballers.tosers
  2. chrs ferreter the other one was only like 5o mtrs from house so hope maybe back for this weekend
  3. found one of the excaping ferrets

  4. have just found my hob i went out yesterday too feed them and the door was open and both ferrets had gone. found one of them when i was driving up the road at 6:30!!!! really happy wish me luck with the other one. :D :boogie: :laugh:
  5. get back from a nice days hunting and find the ferrets have escaped *%$^

  6. chrs my coat still wet in the bottom of pockets lol
  7. had a soaking wet day out on sunday. we used a new long net and netting has never been easier netted the first lot of holes with the long net one rabbit popped out and went back in and then the ferrets started popping up out of the fox earth next door. didn't like that so packed up. moved on to a tricky bit of woodland next to the first warren and caught 5 and then another 2 in the next little bit. by this time we were starting to get really wet. had lunch and moved on to an old quarry up the road. to start with we couldn't find anything and the they started bolting. caught another 6 here
  8. used a horse rug strap nice and thick bolt it on works well
  9. my s400 classic gets about 65-70 good shots filled to 190 bar
  10. 6 1/2 brace of coonies for the pot ; )

  11. whats the big deal? I'm sure he caught up with those birds good video if you ask me.
  12. i read it + got 1 of the original copies
  13. 3 weeks till opening meat!!!!!!!!!!

  14. sounds like you had alot to drink at that new years party lol
  15. first mornings cubing today role on the winter

  16. 5 hours hound exercise this morning now my arse jurts

  17. cheers thats relly helpfull
  18. just completed his first net!!!!!!!!

  19. hi i would like to start using long nets but i dont understand what the term bagging is also is it cheaper to buy sheet net to make my own nets or to buy a net. cheers nelson
  20. im getting an s400 in a week or so and it will be my first precharge can anyone tell me what bottle/or pump to get bearing in mind i wont have much money left and how many fills will this size do for me before it needs refilling. i was told about 5ltr 300bar. any help greatly appreciated thanks
  21. agreed pigeon = good meat
  22. is getting a new s400

  23. im getting an s400 in a week or so and it will be my first precharge can anyone tell me what bottle/or pump to get bearing in mind i wont have much money left and how many fills will this size do for me before it needs refilling. i was told about 5ltr 300bar. any help greatly appreciated thanks
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