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greyhoundstud last won the day on February 26 2015

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About greyhoundstud

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. REW ...wherabouts in the country are you ? if you can get to our surgery in Warrington Cheshire we will treat it for free for you ....it looks like it has started healing itself anyway .... but it needs keeping clean and dry etc ,plus you could do with a course of anti inflams and antibiotics
  2. Alan Bellis he is in Leigh ....supplies beef,chicken,tripe etc 07545119317
  3. Yes you can give her norethisterone in tablet form - this will stop her comming into season,if you want to breed her just take her off the tablets
  4. It may be be Cushings disease .It is diagnosed by a series of tests and yes it is usually treatable
  5. The price would depend on the weight of the dog
  6. There are specific travel sickness tablets available but as the guy has said it may make him drowsy.You could try giving him a couple of ginger biscuits 20 mins before you set off, I cant guarantee it will do any good in your case but I have seen it work in the past
  7. Milbermax is POM V only so yes you do need a prescription to buy then online
  8. We can also prescribe Cerenia or ACP tablets or the human TS pills Sturgeron 15 are safe for dogs. BUT they also cause drowsiness .Which i guess wil be a problem when you get your dog out of the car and he is more stoned than the rolling stones at their worst
  9. AND put the window down to let in as much fresh air as possible
  10. Yes he may still be capable of working but it depends on the grade of the problem..Its a common problem in terriers and is usually genetic.The stifle/knee joint keeps popping off line from its socket but if it is not too severe it will pop back into line itselfs as the dog moves his leg .The dog should be ok to work with a grade 1 or grade 2 problem but the dog may well develop arthritic problems later on as he gets older.Try and keep as lean and fit as possible and you should get a good few years work out of him
  11. Have you ruled out a urinary tract infection as opposed to Prostatitis.The later is only usually confirmed by analysing a semen sample
  12. Give him a couple of ginger biscuits 30 mins before you put him in the car
  13. Galastop is normally used to treat a false pregnancy and dry of excess milk,however it is very effective in bringing a bitch into heat
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