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old man

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About old man

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 29/01/1978

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  1. Does any one live at or near to Llanrwst north wales, who would be kind enough to take a Devonian out lamping. [experienced shooter working away from home]
  2. I always look forward to february's roost shooting , so i was just wondering how many people are actually go out and in what part of the country
  3. it's not really a question on the form, i want to take the additional conditions off my ticket so i can use my rifles on all my permission not just the land i originally put on the form. it can be as simple as OPEN..... can it
  4. on a firearm ticket what would you call it if you want to use it on any land you have permission on, must be late my minds gone blank cheers old man
  5. Thanks for taking the time responding, all the advice well appreciated, since i asked for advice the dog has managed to sniff out two mice under a load of branches at the bottom of the garden so i think she is going to turn out OK, I'll have to be patient and try and get out more.
  6. I have a 12 month old patterdale bitch and would very much appreciate some advice on how to start her on the rats, i have took her out once but she doesn't seem to take much interest
  7. I used the same idea as that in the knacker yard, but it was a static winch in the corner works very well but keep it a steady pull and stand by with a shape knife in case the meat starts to tear.
  8. The best day i have had shooting rooks was on a dry but blustery winters afternoon after i had spent the morning out after a few rabbits with the ferrets. I was ferreting a ground set next to a big wood when a rook flew over my head, seeing the rabbits were few and far between i had a shot at the rook it folded and landed in the center of the ground set, not long after that i packed up, put the rabbits and the rook in the boot and headed home, when i was nearly home i saw a field that was black with rooks a quick phone call to the farmer and before i new it i was walking across the field with
  9. i had to be supervised when i got my 243 , after a couple of months he wrote a letter to Devon and Cornwall constabulary stating i was a safe and sensible shot , within three weeks i had the restriction taken off my licence .
  10. have to get the air rifle out to sort the tree rat , cracking action shots
  11. old man


    you must be working on the new hp gas main
  12. It's nice to see someone else who is pleased to help rather than take the . LITERACY IS NOT A REQUIREMENT OF SAFE FIREARM USE OR OWNERSHIP 1. Get some practice with your weapon of choice, handling cleaning etc. 2. Purchase and site a suitable cabinate and ammo safe (bolted to a brick wall out of sight is the norm) 3. Aquire and complete the application forms including refferences. This will normally incude details of land to be used. 4. Pass the police interview by demonstrating sensible values and safe thinking. The safey side of things is paramount. 5. Wait for your certificate to arr
  13. I have seen a roe buck several times lately with a good head but i have always been carrying my 22 rimmy , so for the last couple of evenings i have had a mooch about with the 243 on the same ground but sod's law i haven't see a single deer male or female , just have to keep looking. [ i am not saying i would shoot a doe as i know they are out of season]
  14. got home from work on Saturday and decided to have a look around for pigeons , put the decoys and gun in the car and started to have a drive around looking at some of the corn fields , after about an hour looking around finally found a field with a few pigeons pitching in , gave the farmer a ring no answer so carried on driving around his land to see if i could find him , half an hour later i found him combining a field of rape so i waited for him to empty the combine into the trailer and walked up to him to ask about the field with the pigeons in , finally got permission from him at about 2 0
  15. When i was about 13 me and half a dozen mates had a catapult fight with blackberry's , which was fine until i got home with a not so white t-shirt on , mother wasn't to pleased
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