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About ashy1984

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  • Birthday 14/04/1984

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  1. great night out lastnight with the lads walked some miles but bagged up

  2. suluki x collie whippet 200 takes all quarry

  3. permission wanted all land and boundries respected we live in doncaster but willing to travel upto 2 to 3 hrs we not silly idiots we got couple of terriers and couple of lurchers who are all broken into cattle horses etc please if you have anything or no any one give us a message we dont mind tagging along with any one cheers andy
  4. im from conisbrough give us a shout
  5. alright mate is it a dog or bitch and how much work has it seen.how much does he want for it. thanks bill if its possible do you have a picture

  6. hi newbie here doncaster lad got lurcher for sale got a whippet bedlington greyhound 10 months old chasing and spotting on lamp mother father 100% takes everthing getting rid as got whippets wont be dissapointed with him solid dog
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