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Everything posted by edp

  1. One of the best threads ive read on here. I have a saluki x pup. Its the first lurcher ive owned and trained. A lot on here rings true about him - difficult to train and very dominant. maybe cos ive not been training him "saluki style" . Will definatley be on the look for some of the books mentioned. Thanks to everyone who contributed, its pointed me in the right direction and answered a lot of questions.
  2. Hello. Was readin a blog entry from you bout findin huntin grounds in ni. Im lookin to start myself in the autumn with a new lurcher pup I have. Havent got any land to use yet but will let you kno if i come up [bANNED TEXT] anything and would appreciate the same back. Im not to far down the road from you, near Newry.

  3. Sounds like good advice. Will try that out myself. Although when you say four times a day is that how often you should feed? I have mine on an rmb diet and I read somewhere you should feed once a day so they gorge and then spend a while resting like they would in the wild. do you feed pups more regularly than adult dogs? Or is what I read a load of b***s. Any advice much appreciated
  4. ive got that book and understanding the working lurcher by jackie drakeford ordered at library, plummers will be up to 6 wks in coming tho. did you just work on recall before you tried retrieving? what cross is yours?? He's a bullxgreyound-sire x salukixwhippet-dam. Done sum recall training but nothing too intense. Dont want him to get disheartend with it as he just wants to do what he likes at the mo. He's mad keen on chasing things so been trying to get him to retrieve alot. Hes doin pretty good but jus wants to shake everything to death lol must be the bull x was umin and arin bet
  5. Its easy to get taken in by biased studies like this. What you have to ask is who would fund the study? Its the same as those statemnents you read like "there is no scientific evidence of any benefit to feeding a raw meaty bones diet". Of course theres no evidence when no proper studies have been done! I should imagine ther is funding available to anyone who wants to research the negatives of a non-profitable diet
  6. Im in the same boat mate. I have a 13wk old lurcher. Got him from 7wks and have never trained a pup. I read "the complete lurcher" by Brian Plummer at the start and thats realy what I've been following. Its got good tips and advice for training a companion or hunting lurcher and also gives the techniques for various ways of hunting. You'll be suprised how quickly they pick it up, mines retrieving toys to hand already, well most of the time
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