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John Brett

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Everything posted by John Brett

  1. Any 1 liveing around the kilkenny area want to team up, Or no where there would be good hunting all my permissions are empty never seen it so bad its just a disaster.
  2. A fellow has just rang me to know if i would be interested in joining up with him and his Hawks to cover some of his permissions,As i no notting about Hawks or Him dose any 1 no how save Hawks are to work with ferrets or would i be putting my little familys lives at risk and there is no bunnies worth doing that
  3. I have 6 serious bunny bolters,I feed them lambs hearts ,Beef hearts,Chicken,Beef and Iambs Liver some times i throw them in a trout or some sea fish if i catch any, and of course bunnies when we have them.I dont give them that all at the 1 time now before the funny fuckers reply.But i have noticed that they are putting on serious weight i dont think im over feeding them maybe i am, or can any tell me is any of the feed i named to rich to be feeding them.
  4. Has any 1 heard of a Long Haired ferret ,There is a fellow over here selling 1 and he says there is only 6 in the country he wants 180 euro for him is he full of shit or what?
  5. I have 3 pure whites with Black eyes ,But sorry mate i live in Ireland
  6. Mine had 15 but i also had 1 that had 8 at the same time so i took 3 from the big litter and gave them to the other jill and she reared them with her own with out any problems all survived and working well GREAT mothers the 2 of them
  7. Just wondering is it OK to give in my ferrets a Sheeps Head to feed on
  8. My 2 jills due any day have 2 nest boxs in the run wondering will i need to separate them before thy give birth
  9. Extreme Hunter bollocks ,Extreme Ass hole more like it sorry mate that was ment for stubby
  10. As Helpfull as ever mr moderator sir Thanks lad he is some Dick head
  11. Thanks lad so i have notting to worry about so
  12. Thanks mate for your reply ,but what about my big fella loseing weight could it be worms
  13. My 2 Bucks are loseing their hair and 1 is loseing weight all my ferrets are well looked after and cared for they are kept in clean dry conditions and are fed on proper ferret food just wondering has any 1 seen this before or any idea how to sort out this problem
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