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Mark Dearden

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Everything posted by Mark Dearden

  1. my bitch has been lined but she has had no pups if the stud was no good would she go all the way to nine weeks with her phantom pregnancy she has milk in her teets and has put on wait i havent seen any disgharge she was lined nine weeks past sunday any help would be great full thanks mark
  2. Have you got a post code so i can put it in the sat-nav? Cheers DEKA NE10 OQH PELAW INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ill be there
  3. ill be there with the boys and my deerhound grey
  4. sorry to hear mate its a shame he was good dog bet your gutted
  5. steve still here top of leam lane you know it ill give you 15 quid and you can drop it off not far next to giles scrap yard widopen here mark dying to find oot who you are such a dick why you got my name on your profile page, you a fan or something now do one everytime im on here you add comments think you need reported too admin,,, stalker y eour the dealer you should go on exchange and mart site puppy peddler
  6. steve still here top of leam lane you know it ill give you 15 quid and you can drop it off not far next to giles scrap yard widopen here mark dying to find oot who you are such a dick why you got my name on your profile page, you a fan or something now do one everytime im on here you add comments think you need reported too admin,,, stalker its people like you how get the forum abad name always selling stuff dealing dogs puppy peddler
  7. steve still here top of leam lane you know it ill give you 15 quid and you can drop it off not far next to giles scrap yard widopen
  8. I have a 10 shot raider and it gives about 90 full power shots. when you plug the pump into the gun the guage on the pump will not show how much is left in the gun only what pressure is in the pump and connecting tube only will it show the pressure in the gun when you have pumped enough to get the pressure in the hose connecting the gun and pump together equal to whats in the gun and you can tell when this happens because the needle will stop going up so fast and will slow down to move just about 1mm every pump besides doesent the 2 shot have a pressure guage on the underside of the stock?
  9. who's knocking bsa?,i said the superstar did'nt have the same following as the hw77,that's not knocking bsa i'm saying shooters prefered the hw77 for target work! your right mate you can't compare the superstar to the hw77. the superstar is a good gun the hw77 is a great gun. love the stock though.
  10. Air Arms field domed are my favourite pellet. I have used a few different hollow points and they were all inaccurate at long range, and most were inaccurate at close range. I suppose they're alright for the rats though.
  11. They're both very good guns for the price. Personaly I like the cocking system on the BSA so that would be my choice. Really it depends on which rifle you feel most comfortable holding and I don't think you'll be dissapointed whichever one you choose. Good luck and happy hunting.
  12. I have a Greyhound he's too fast and heavy and as a consequence he's always injured, his hunting instinct is too strong and he will try to chase any animal regardless of size. Greyhounds are magnificent dogs but they don't really think when they're chasing like a lurcher does. My dog will run all day or night for me but,for hunting, i would go for a good lurcher everytime.
  13. I have a 3yr old ex racing Greyhound. He's very strong and fast but he can't turn tightly enough to catch rabbits and he's also very injury prone.
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