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Everything posted by novice

  1. Spent a bit of time on the trapperman forum. Very interesting to see how things are done elsewhere, although some useful tips that can be applied to mink over here. Novice
  2. That looks like a cracking set up! I'm a bulky no mates and can't stretch to a private charter, but will get in touch and see if they've anyone who will share a charter. Cheers Novice
  3. That would be great. Thanks Novice
  4. Very nice! Any idea which outfit he went with? Novice
  5. Looking at June, which I understand to be right in the middle of the best time for a lot of the big lads, Marlin and some kg the tuna species. I appreciate that they won't be stacked up to be caught but I'd settle for a good scrap with a tuna of any species or size. Novice
  6. Has anyone done any big game fishing off Madeira? If so, any recommendations on who to go with? Novice
  7. You must have different upturned split bellied rabbits to me, as they always don't at this end ? Still looking. Novice
  8. Thanks Eddie. To be fair I contacted John at fourteenacre and it turned out to be a glitch in his system which meant the individual option wasn't available. I've bought two and a couple of other bits, so well happy. Excellent service, which ties in with what I've heard on here. Novice
  9. Can anyone give a steer on the cheapest place to buy a couple of body grip 116 traps? Wanting to try a couple alongside my mk6 fenns in a blind set scenario for mink. Don't want to stretch to the 5 minimum order that seems to prevail at fourteenacre, plus the postage seems steep from them. Cheers Novice
  10. Anyone got a spare call bird for a Larsen to get me started this year? Magpie preferably. North Cheshire. Novice
  11. I'd imagine the estate are trying to get a balanced population across the age groups and allow the bucks to reach their full trophy potential. Any antlered buck in a group of fallow tends to draw the eye and will often end up getting shot. Not good for population reduction and not good if you're a buck ? This is one of the reasons why a wild medal head in fallow is so rare. Novice
  12. Sounds like a good day. Perhaps if more estates and landowners took the time to organise similar days then the fallow population wouldn't be in the state it's in. Novice
  13. Yeah that'll be it. I'll give them a call myself at some point but wondered if anyone else had heard in the meantime. It'll be a pain if they have folded. Their collection round was massive and I dread to think how many head of game they handled. Their chiller was also really handy for summer bucks as well. Novice
  14. If you looked at it outside opening hours it would come up as closed. Anyone else heard anything last few days? Novice
  15. ?? Website working, still accepting game when I was directly involved earlier in the week. I'd appreciate a link if I've missed something. Novice
  16. You mean, it's locked up? Have you been down there today? Novice
  17. Certainly not saying you're wrong. Something's probably going on behind the scenes. Novice
  18. Not true, but flying close to the wind I think. I dropped a carcass off there yesterday. He's only paying for game that's dropped off though. Nothing if he has to collect. Novice
  19. I thought the lure on the goodlife trap was species specific? So if the lure is stoat specific (presumably based on scent made from glands or similar) then it's unlikely to attract a hedgehog? Also from the demo footage I've seen, the trap entrance was vertical and likely difficult for a hedgehog to enter (I suppose the entrance size could also be adjusted to exclude hedgehogs?). I appreciate the point you're making, given that the trap can specifically be set for hedgehogs, but just wondering how real the threat actually is? Novice
  20. Thanks Phil. Intention is for a focused campaign in the spring so will hopefully post about my experiences on here. Novice
  21. Always been happy with mine. Puts out a decent line
  22. I'm guessing you can also dig them in as required to ensure the optimum clearance on the roof to avoid the target being thrown clear of the trap? Novice
  23. Out of interest, can you recall the size you used? Novice
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