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Uk Bowhunter

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About Uk Bowhunter

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  1. Hi Iseremarc What bow do you use? do you shot on your own land or shot on farm land? Do you pay per kill? Sorry for all the questions, I spent last August in Saint Thibery and would liked to have bow hunting, but the people I went there with were very against hunting and thought that meat grew in the intermarche, so I had to leave it. Next time I'm in France I will take the bow.
  2. Yer it seems fun, I didn't know if it was going to be very serious or not, but I can see from a few the vid posts that other's share my sence of humour.
  3. Thank you, I am trying to get my head around all the stuff in the forum and that Atvar thing, it might take me a while. Please don't think that I am rude if it takes a little time for me to reply.
  4. I have had a break from hunting for a couple of years and thought I would join the forum to see if there is any like minded people about. Look forward to hearing from anyone especially Bow Hunters.
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