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Everything posted by Chriseden

  1. Nothing wrong with a good dogo or a dogo X at all. I'm a big fan of boxer and EBT X's. But breed is irrelevant if it doesn't have the mindset its good for nothing.
  2. Where is it common practice? is that just if your eating them? My self I don't eat them and always try for body shots as the target area is bigger
  3. That would be my Youngest dog hes a roughly 33% bull (mostly bullterrier i think) 25%lab %25 cattle (collie) and 12.5% greyhound He is keen and very hard at 10 months old he is about 30 kg and is about 20 inch's should grow up and out a few more yet.
  4. Happens to the best of us Gets lonely around here
  5. Nice post Halty Lad. Hey Judge; You have put up over 800 posts in four months. What sort of know it all c**t are you? Perhaps you should stop posting and do some reading. I am bored of seeing your name. Try going to the pub and boring them instead. Silly boy. Kyle sad c**t arguing on internet. bet your wifes happy. I she is and so is your by the way I just got back
  6. Try to get references from land owners where you already hunt, evin get them to ring the people for you. Show respect and try to find common ground. Its the same here in NZ and I am a farmer already
  7. If you move the dogs away the pig will run. most pigs get bailed in very tight scrub, people wont shoot if they dont know where their dogs are and most guys wont let someone else shoot a pig bailed by their dogs, it takes a lot of time and money to get a dog going well. Generally guys who run bailers use a rifle with a big slow bullet so it wont exit, the .357 and .44 mag are popular so is the .30-30. A lot of guys including me run holders which hold the pigs ears or head until you tip it over and stick it, its good fun and way easyer than carrying a rifle around the place
  8. It feels great when that happens, not much is better than watching a dog you have trained do something its supposed to
  9. I'm not really interested in all the bullshit here I think maybe some people may need to pull there heads in. I don't hunt dogs like this its not my style but shows it can be done
  10. Hey go visit monteria like herdwick suggested. Guys on there from both oz and nz, good bunch of fellas be keen to take ya out for a walk and will probibly evin put ya up, anytime from now till octerish is the best time as its winter, better for the dogs and the pines are open in the north island so you can have a better range of places to hunt. Plus if you get sick of sticking pigs you could go shoot a tahr or chamios or somthing Cheers Chris
  11. There are thousands of blokes over here who hunt pigs with dogs and knives. And mate it is great. There are a few pix of boars on my thread in the boar and pig hunting section on the this forum. But please if you blokes are considering putting a dog on a proper big boar, give your dog some protection. The dog is a big chance to get cut up without it. A hard dog will still hold them but he or she will get unzipped on a bad boar. Cheers. Yep Neds onto it there, its a foolish man who hunts holders without a least a rip collar. My main bitch is only about 20kg and can and will hold eve
  12. Had pup out on sunday he saw his first pig and was on a ear within 30 seconds of getting there not too bad for 9 months I thought evin if it was only a 60 pound sow
  13. The guys on monteria have alloy ones too but they cost a bit you know how it is. Always keen to try new things. They say garmen gear is illegal here too With the bike tube I coverd the entire areal right up so it didnt stick out at all it made no difference to the range which is good
  14. Hey ned what you got over your DC 30? I used bike tube on the areal but nothing over the computer part, a mate of mine had used heat shrink over the whole thing but thats a pain
  15. i've been shooting for some time now i'm not a- div pup -no all about backstops - and the backstop in this case is a 20ft bank with no roads bridleparths footpaths within 4 miles I wouldn't have evin replied to that comment its just a jellos remark
  16. When I was a kid I had a Jack Russel he used to just cruise alone with me as I walked then wait as I fired and run to kill/retrieve what ever I shot didn't matter weather I was using a shotgun or 22. Take him in the bush and he would find/kill/hold/tree any possums around, I made some good money plucking them. Great wee dogs with heaps of personality my wife and I have another now although a bit small to do what the old one did lol
  17. Hey good stuff mate thats awesome must have been a real buzz especially when ya got over and found 2 I'd be pretty pleased with that keep you in meat for a bit too
  18. So does a 22 bullet dogs that fight are a waste of time and end up costing a lot of money. They maybe ok in your pack but if you want to hunt with other people it causes problems. Bull Terriers are a great breed to X as they retain their hardness and can be built into almost any shape you want a dog with a bit more leg is good as it can move a bit faster and hold more efficiently as it can stand with all four legs on the ground so its not getting thrown round by the pig as much and can control it better.
  19. Hey Danny Chuck up a post on monteriaboarhunts or lifesaboar they are nz sites but have plenty of ozzy fellas on them that maybe able to help you out
  20. Garmen astro is awesome its really easy to use is miles ahead of everything else on the market as you can see exactly where your dogs are on the map, their heading and speed also what they are doing you can make longer range aerials out of shark trace or similar. Its true if you hunt in gorgey places you can loose signal. Also its almost cheaper than most other units out there. I've used it on my pig dogs and hunting without it is WAY harder.
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