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About tomo_926

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 07/07/1989

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  • Interests
    airguns riffle, working dogs, ratting, rabbiting.

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  1. Haha truth always comes out well said!!
  2. All I'm saying is that sum folk will just class a dog as bad and get rid its easier to get rid than to work with it and put more time n effort in some one who has the time knowledge n patience will make it a different dog! Agree with both you some dogs are just shit all together but a lot now days arnt given the chance n just pedled abart
  3. A dogs only as good as you make it seen bad dogs turn out belters in the rights hands with enough time and patience!!!
  4. If it is true it's no accident they was shot!!! guns don't shoot low birds ne mind dogs!!!!!
  5. f****n hell lads I'll be sleeping lightly tonight
  6. Just out of interest you say you put a lot of time in to bring them right but doing what exactly in having exact same problem just got a patt bitch 8 months old cracking bitch and mad to work had her ratting can't fault her good with my other dogs but when out its like she's deaf now when at home recal is 110% what did you do to get your recal up to scratch whilst out with ur dogs advice will be much appreciated cheers Tom
  7. Would love to own one like I'm reading maybe one of you could help got my first terrier last week good little bitch she is very keen and loves to work only problem I've found is that [BANNED TEXT] I'm at home in back yard she will recall straight to whistle every time 100 % but soon as we get out n she in field or wood which ever I recall her n it's like she is deaf!!! Now she works along side older dogs n they turn straight n back to me but still she wint listen???? Any advice lads??
  8. Thought u was going to send me sum pics of that dog?
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