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Everything posted by scottishlass

  1. stand away from the toblerone ye will just get fat
  2. Got to say i never get my dad anything he thinks its just a hype and a waste of money i will buy him a pint next sat night mind he has to buy me yin back
  3. i normaly take my camera but left it on window sill at home ,mind it was to cold to take yer hands oot yer pockets
  4. I have 3 jobs greedy bitch i am 1. sat on me arse at home packing bitfitter bits 2. working in a boarding kennel when its busy mostly summer time and holiday cover 3. odd jobbing on farms just done 3 weeks night lambing
  5. Heres ours we burn coal and logs also sawdust pellets And the wood store
  6. I told other half not to get fk all , just a waste of money.
  7. Never tried i do have all the cables needed but then that kind of defeats the purpose of having a laptop plus i would have to many ciders and get caught in the wires and gan arse for tit across the room I am happy if would just stay aboot 0,75 instead of one min being 1.8 then going to doen to 0.20 and my fave video on redtube wont load ..........oh i mean youtube Oh ye dinny need tae higlight it everyone will know now :icon_redface:
  8. Never tried i do have all the cables needed but then that kind of defeats the purpose of having a laptop plus i would have to many ciders and get caught in the wires and gan arse for tit across the room I am happy if would just stay aboot 0,75 instead of one min being 1.8 then going to doen to 0.20 and my fave video on redtube wont load ..........oh i mean youtube
  9. http:// ooo it worked , fastest i have ever seen it after all my moaning
  10. i canny get that thingy to appear like that when i try to post it
  11. Now speed is so much better 1.7mps thought this was peak time???
  12. Had the net more than 2 yrs at this house. speed has dropped right down at the moment cant even see pictures as for fibre optic not enough people up the line to make it worth while. Mains water whats that mine is filtered through mud , cow and sheep shit before it gets to tank but its the best water ever i once lived in a house with mains water i had an iffy belly dugs were being sick all over the joint i had to travel up to the farm and bottle it and bring it home
  13. In the past few months i have had nothing but trouble with my broadband ie not working or its worse than dial up. I do live in the country and when first got broadband here we were told a speed of 0.75 pretty pants but least we have it. Through all the storms of wind and rain it worked grand soon as the weather got better no broadband so rang bt they did a line check and said it was our hub it was powering out or something and they would send a new one. New one came and we had broaband again but at a speed of 0.13 next night same time of night its up to 0.76. then its all the way back down. so
  14. I have both docked and undocked as long as the terrier does what i want it to i aint bothered
  15. google btjunkie and type in the what everbooks you read it will come up as audio but will work on kindle
  16. 2006 i think , one shed for ma chooks and out buildings
  17. its 2012 i thought you got a signal everywhere. hey arron whats this thing i been reading about the death grip. has that been a prob on your phone.something to do with the built in antenna. I wish my house phone bill would be a hell of a lot cheaper cause i would use my free minutes on the mobile. When my other half goes down south to work in march for a month if i want to call i have to jump in the jeep drive to top of the hill cause o2 to o2 is free. But things will be better this year as i can do blackberry msg to him via the wifi Right 'Lass you seem to have the same mobile pro
  18. its 2012 i thought you got a signal everywhere. hey arron whats this thing i been reading about the death grip. has that been a prob on your phone.something to do with the built in antenna. I wish my house phone bill would be a hell of a lot cheaper cause i would use my free minutes on the mobile. When my other half goes down south to work in march for a month if i want to call i have to jump in the jeep drive to top of the hill cause o2 to o2 is free. But things will be better this year as i can do blackberry msg to him via the wifi
  19. i have never gone over 500mb. as folks say connect to ur wifi when yer at home. I get no mobile signal what so ever at home does not matter what network you have. so if anybody wants hold of me the just leave a wee msg via fb or twitter and i get it just like people texting me. Took a while for everyone to get there head round it and stop texting me
  20. google btjunkie. you need to down load u torrent before you can download from bt junkie. you also get free kindle books on that site aswell
  21. I have been getting a lot of calls lately but they cant get my name right. Mrs pumkin eh where did they get that from. I have had a call every night at 5pm for last 5 nights. I like keeping them going then at the very end hang up. Had a call about the insurance on my sky box about to end i said that was a bit odd i dont have a tv or sky
  22. an old saying says you can mix rams and sheep as long as there is not an r in the month so they can be mixed may,june,july,aug and no rumpy pumpy will happen
  23. Was in the big city years ago ,we walked passed this homeless dude with a dog, he had a sign up that said can you spare some change for food. Next thing i hear from my sister who was about 10 at the time "if your that fking hungry eat your dog"
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