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Everything posted by scottishlass

  1. sorry rooster your dead right you can show in scotland.i need to read things more carefully
  2. However, where a working dog has been docked in England and Wales under the respective regulations set out above, it may be shown where the public are charged a fee, so long as it is shown “only to demonstrate its working abilityâ€. It will thus be necessary to show working dogs in such a way as ONLY to demonstrate their working ability and not conformity to a standard. surely most people are showing to demonstrate there dogs working ability
  3. Denned i would make it a donation at the gate then no 1 is paying to get in job sorted http://new.wales.gov.uk/depc/ahw/companion...ls1.pdf?lang=en
  4. i have noticed in the last month or so that a lot of new people who have joined the site who also have not posted an utter thing just sitting in the chat, i have had a few of these people ask me some strange things its a bit un nerveing
  5. voted for ya the percentage is now 54 to 46 in favour of the ban
  6. can i please change my user name
  7. watched some of the other videos
  8. i would have put it in the run fish but its to wide to fit through the door. We did have a loan of a smaller 1 but it is loaned out to some else.
  9. I am back up to the work this afternoon and my boss has a few snares that she is not using so i will be bringing some back home,i have a sort of flap that you can open in the run that lets the chickens have fee roam of the field but stops the sheep getting and eating the food so i will set it there as that is the way the fox got in fingers crossed
  10. yep all 17 in 1 go 13 bodys left behind and 2 living ones heres some pics thats not all the bodys i cleared some away but you get the idea
  11. yep once i get the camera to work i have a good pic for all the bunny huggers out there a pile of dead chooks
  12. i have used one of the dead chooks in the trap in the hopes it will come back i did take pictures but for some reason the computer being a twat and wont upload them
  13. I work in a boarding kennel picking up shit and moping up piss,i also do an odd shift at the local pub and when i have my holidays i help my dad on the farm ,and nope i would not change it
  14. well i have been away for week looking after my bosses kennels and left the other half to look after things.He phones me monday night to tell me the bad news that a fox has killed almost all my chickens did have 19 now i only have 2. Hes not to blame as fox must came about 4.30pm the chickens dont go in the huts till about 4.45pm,plus there were tractors and stuff going about so we now have a fox trap set in the hopes i catch this :censored:
  15. scottishlass


    i only get a weekend away each year ,i get the mother in law to move in to the house and animal sit ,but there is always a disaster when i get back . i am going to greece this summer for a week not that i want to go but a family member wants to get married there ,hopefully i have a friend that is going to move in and house sit for me and look after my 19 chickens,7 dogs and my 4 foot tropical tank full of fish
  16. i used to go carpet bowling lol not now i grew up
  17. i like to try and take some decent pictures when ever i get time, i do a bit of gardening ,grow veg that i try to show at our local show
  18. If i had a pound for every time i heard that Why didn't your dad walk over to the lads explain they could come back after lambing as long as they stayed of why the lambs were about? Bet ye they wouldn't come back until they were welcome. Its all good and well saying if's and but's first of all you ask first before you go and he was not in best of moods all these dogs running loose and put it this way he had the number of the car they were in and it took me long enough to get him NOT to bother reporting it
  19. it is a shame but its a small percentage of people that spoil it for other people,i posted a while back that while i was helping my dad with feeding sheep which were ready to start lambing in a week or so we saw to people with a couple of lurchers and a few terriers walking the hill, they had never asked permission but the bit that pissed my dad of was the time of year(lambing and calveing) so he aint keen on letting people come on the land now ,if these people had asked he would have most likley have said yes you can come but make it after lambing has finished
  20. i have facebook ,my space and bebo sad i know but i use bebo the most
  21. mines a 45min trip and need to get there as i am the only on and dogs need to be seen to
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