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Everything posted by scottishlass

  1. it might help but i had my bitch spayed after i had a litter of pups of her and she still fights
  2. sounder is a sound chap sorry for the pun lol,great banter in chat up for a laugh

  3. here's what i have pic taken just before it was bought
  4. During the winter there have been a few adult maggpie's helping them selfs to the hen's food i tryed shooting them but they seemed to know i was coming also tryed a larsen trap but no luck.During the spring i never saw much of them busy rearing young i suppose.Well after coming back from my holidays on sunday there were six going about they had gotten brave as no one was around.So this afternoon while on the computer i saw four come to the the hen run so grabbed my gun got up on the desk and fired from the window and result this is only a young but it would have growen up to be an adult th
  5. the hens i get are from a bloke called giles over at oakwood mill
  6. i might have a spare cockerl i have 6 chicks running about at the moment not sure if what they are yet hens or cocks but if more than one turns out to be a cock you are welcome to it
  7. does everybody think i am an alkie here :alcoholic:
  8. yep you worked it out tg what a job i had getting it on the plane
  9. not sure yet we are on the look out for some hens not that bothered what sort as long as we get some nice eggs got a lad asking about bantams for us but would like some larger ones to,were abouts are they and how much,thanks some of the ones i get are a tenner a bird thats light sussex pullets but i also get some hens for i guy in the borders canny mind his name but will find out details for you , they are about 50p a bird he is not allowed to keep them over 2 years old some are missing a few feathers but they come right and are not bad layers,you going to get a cockrel to
  10. Was out in greece last week and knowing that den had his cement mixer stolen i was keeping an eye out for it look what i found
  11. heres mine one docked and pup undocked
  12. Well i have been away to greece for a holiday and a family wedding i got the job of taking the wedding pics and also took some sunset pics and others and i feel i have some really good ones but i was wondering how i would copywrite them like stick writing over the top so folks can copy them without the writing anybody help please Thanks S/L
  13. where are you getting your hens from i know a few places but it depends what you want
  14. what are you like tg :clapper: talk to ya laters
  15. the one and only me out on the piss undercover taking a fag break getting ready to go hunting lol
  16. i heard you dont need paypal just a credit card
  17. go to your profile click on your control panel then scroll down till you see purchase paid subscriptions click on that and follow instructions
  18. i would get a decent size camper van and fill it with cider
  19. tracey you better get a move on with those kennels where the hell am going to kip when i come down to yours
  20. just saw the rubbing bit and got carried away a whole one hours rubbing think i will come vist you
  21. i go to local shows and show my dogs sometimes its nice to win a ribbon but if you dont hey that does not matter its about the banter meeting up with folks i mostly go to show my support to hunts or local clubs
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