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Everything posted by scottishlass

  1. rolfe it can be 30oC and she still would be frozen
  2. looking good what else are ye gan tae take in next
  3. Should heard some of the crap she was downloading malt , need tae pay the person tae download it
  4. If i was you i'd just piss in there...........you wont notice anyway :clapper: i might get me bed wet
  5. Typical Lass answer there.. did ye expect anything else malt
  6. I was no far away i was roond the back taking a piss
  7. its a plastic pig ffs they aint eating it
  8. now everyone will know where to nick my 48inch 3D tele
  9. they canny find ma hoose tae take a picture of it
  10. ooo get you what do a lot of lurchers have in there breeding ? none of my collies are chained to the kennel, any dog can be a sheep killer.
  11. Yes the may have been playing but if the farmer had come along he would have had the right to shoot that dog playing or not,playing turns in to attcking, i would go for the long rope first thats what we do with our collies while training and if that dont work and you are at a loss try a leccie collar but must be used in the proper manner
  12. The 6 working collies are kenneled never in the house, 3 terriers in the hoose and they sleep in the bed with me at night cause am to tight to put the leccie blanket on but it is a pain in the arse having to bath them when they are all clarted up
  13. Thats great news but always keep an eye on them never stop looking for yer terrier chin up
  14. Had a shot of 3 wheeled rig being pulled my my bosses 2 fastest huskys, i was so glad the dogs knew where to go
  15. always used straw for our collies never had one problem with mites
  16. scottishlass


    think she would like a fishy detail on it tess
  17. scottishlass


    jack she wont know what a frock is you will have tae explain
  18. scottishlass


    it is tg were on about tess
  19. of course t shirt on top of that polo neck, on top of that jumper, on top of that a fleece and then one of them padded shirts us country folk ken how tae dress ye canny move tho as long as ye sit on the sofa and remember to keep that can o cider in yer hand yer sorted
  20. soft townies i aint had the heating on yet
  21. be for hedges ye get grants for it
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