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Everything posted by manaboutdog

  1. well done lads,great result once again.
  2. well done lads, great read and result.
  3. cant remember how many ive had bottled up over the years , but not had double figures, not in the dales or lincoln,
  4. great day out, once again, realy enjoyed it steve, keen for next outing mate,
  5. good day steve good laught as always, apart from dunham bridge closed . just got back, me and ray just cracked a can
  6. great today mate, realy enjoyed, keen for sat, ha ha,
  7. good mornings ferreting, two good lads , vin and brad , hope you enjoyed ,
  8. The most i've had in one day was 101 up in the dales, but also had 0dds and 90 odds regular. But doing alot with stevethefish now which is a lot harder especially them hedgerows which are very deep in places. Numbers don't really matter to me, we have a good crack and getting the young un's envolved makes it more worth while. anyway gonna have a few tins then off to bed. Out with stevethefish the slave-driver tomoz.
  9. great day mate , but feckin knacked, keen as mustard for next time
  10. cheers for the write up and great pic mate, see you tomoz 7.20 am, cant wait,
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