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About swanny101

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  • Birthday 07/05/1990

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  • Interests
    boxing horses songbirds:goldies linnets caanarys and lamping
  1. romany and watchmen cheer ive just been so eager to get out shes just had a litter of pups 9 weeks ago and scince they have been gone shes gone streight out and alson most of the rabbits seem to bee near a diutch or hedge and get away under 5 bar gates and in roads thaks for your help and whya would u recomend doing for fittness
  2. bad slips bad running area and also could nor get more that 15 feet away cos they where darting off so before u start callin people bell cheese go and f**k ur self
  3. i had my bitch out on the lamp the other night for the first timne she done really well 18 runs and killed only one but on her 1st ever time on the lamp aint bad she is very very fast but lacks fitness and run longer then 40 seconds and you can see shes reli blowin how can i get her fighting fit ....
  4. hello i put my bitch in pup a number of weeks ago now she only has 3 weeks to go and she has started eatin her poo and i dont know why i am feeding her once a day chumb meat ,biscuet, bread and gravy, and i awlays leve a bowl of buiscuet one offer. also she has got bigger teats and has got a little bit fatter and her belly has gain size a little bit but she dose not look like she is going to pup down anytime soon due to her size cany any body help mre ? ~ sorry about spelling i have only lernt to read and write 6 months ago thanks,,,
  5. basicly someones givin it to me as a present cos i helped em out and i liked his bitch but it runs away when off the lead and i want to teach it obeadience for lamping
  6. is there anywon who can tell me the best way to learn a 3 year old lurcher to reative jump and all the reast....... pics of your lurchers are welcome
  7. basicly i will be getting a 3 year old lurcher bitch who has been kept in a stable and has done the ocasinal lamping session ,,,,, i dont know what she noes how should i go about teaching this bitch retreaving and jumping over gates comeing back when called and also starting out on the lamp,,,alos how many times a day do you feed her and also kennel shes being kepts outside in a kennel what dimesions od kenn would u use ? thanks ...
  8. hello guys im new and i am very keen on lamping evan though i do not yet own my on dog but in 4 days i will do any tips or hints on lamping or song birds plz comment
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