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About watto

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  1. ive seen dogs more interested in fighting with other dogs than actually wantin to go to ground
  2. made a couple from pipes and just borded the one end up. thought about puttin some concrete some how on the bottom like a lobster pot so it cant be moved so easly. it would save putin a peg in for chain and the anoyance of a terrier chasing the hens round the yard with a pipe attached to it. lol watto
  3. not havin a go but a lot of lads who are into there terriers dont see the funny side of splattering foxes with lamp and rifle.
  4. maybe restart the topic without the lamp and rifle bit lol.
  5. i over heard a couple of lads on about that you are aloud to shoot of any coast line in scotland. i wasnt sure of the truth of this and didnt want to question them about it. any ideas?????
  6. does anybody know of any companies in britain that are selling laydown hides for sitting out in stubble fields. ive seen plenty for sale in the states but not found any for sale in this country. thanks
  7. does anybody know of any companies in britain that are selling laydown hides for sitting out in stubble fields. ive seen plenty for sale in the states but not found any for sale in this country. thanks
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