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Everything posted by jambay5

  1. Its is mate my other dog as shown him the way, all i do is hold the lamp!
  2. well done mate how old is he hows he breed?looks like theres abit of saluki in him i could be rong he just coming up to 9months he is a second gen salxgry mate
  3. Hi all just got in and my young pup Murphy as just taken his first rabbit on the lamp, fair to say am over the moon he had 2 runs first got it all wrong! but did not miss on the second BTW just in the middle of fitting new kitching ATB Jambay
  4. Nice pups mate all the best with them
  5. cheers lads, am hoping so Billy both the sire and dam are top class on big stuff, he only cost £100 fully jabbed!
  6. My young salxgrey just started but going very slow still very puppyish, already 26tts, as had a few with mixy not hard to catch but the way he as returned the catch to hand as got me hoping of bigger and better things when the time is right.
  7. not had ferrets for years but when i was a lad! had mine in a bank bag!
  8. tried to get out last night!! got out ground was frozen 4 weeks now since mut had a run.
  9. Am not a bullx fan but like the look of the black one
  10. All depends on what your happy with, i had a deer x 30tts missed a few but am happy with a few in the freezer! 3 rabbits on a night out am happy! Jambay
  11. all go's to feed the family kids love eating rabbit, only kill what i can eat or freeze
  12. I would train them like your springers, with a bit of luck no gun will be needed, cracking looking pups keep us all updated on how there going ATB Jambay
  13. Those are the ones who I was referring too! PS. Not all working class/one for the pot people are lefties, I'm not.. Would not dream of saying they are, but that said the lefties of the past were the one's who put a stop to hanging working class/one for the pot hunters! lol
  14. Nothing wrong with being a leftie proper working class people no all about one for the pot, its these middle class (who think there middle class) do gooders, tree huggers who should go back to wife swapping indoors instead of dogging where i go lamping lol, rant over!!
  15. worker 2 worker the best way nice little pup you got there mate
  16. i have had a deerhound x best dog i have had so far all round, got a collie x whip x grey spot on for rabbits, my pup is a sal x grey 7months so done nothing yet apart from a few day time rabbits but for me if you add deer or sal to the mix just makes the dog stronger, have seen pure greys with really high pray drive and take all quarry, but they burn out quick. just my opinion
  17. it sounds to me mate like it needs a piece of lead in its ear I agree would never keep a dog or pass on a dog that bit the hand that feeds it.
  18. Good look 2 you mate am sure the sal x grey will do you proud. ATB
  19. I would go for the same as the bitch a whipp x collie x gry
  20. from the pic's would say any dog will have feet problems running that sort of ground, i would go for something whippet size rather than something big heavy, my whipp x collie x gry does ok on ground a bit like that
  21. Girls game rugby League what real men play only joking BTW looking forward to seeing Sunny Bill playing for the All blacks for the first time.
  22. I took the dogs for a walk about 10ish with the lamp in the field at back of my house, so two dogs and the lamp in hand. my older dog on the slip! pup and lamp in other hand, rabbits very lamp shy and very few in this field anyway walking down about 30 yards out saw sod all! got to the bottom one was sat about 40yards out so lamp off and walk between the rabbit and safety lamp on walk slowly over got within 5feet before it moved let the dog go! but pup seen it 2 pulled on the lead lamp went up in the air picked up the lamp but it was 2 late dog had already picked up the rabbit was over th
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