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Everything posted by jambay5

  1. Only ten more than we got on sat mate lol, looks like you had a good morning bet the little beddyx enjoyed her self
  2. Welcome to the THL, Where abouts nr york mate? i do a bit round there
  3. I must admit worker to worker is all i would go for these days better chance of a good'un just my opininon. ATB Jambay
  4. Beddy whipps will do the job, firstx beddy grey could be usefull for what your looking for just my opinion ATB Jambay
  5. lol sounds good but am looking for 3/4ape so i can teach it to roll fags!!!!
  6. nice one mate... your sorted now. atb vin Cheers Vin mate, we will have sort a night lamping mate soon. Baz
  7. Cheers lads and lasses, the pup is a credit to the lad who bread him and my older dog for showing him the way. only problem is with him being 26tts its easy to forget that he is still a baby, being totally Honest with all the building work(a big porch for dogs to living) and doing my job have not put the time into the pup i would have liked there is a lot to be said for bringing them on with an older steady dog and Natural Ability
  8. Pup been for his second outing tonight, same again 2 runs one in the bag, well pleased again no messing this time a quick and he returned with it live to hand well done boy.
  9. Most salxgrys i have seen take all,that said never seen one run on fox (pre-ban) not my thing only hunt for table, but for R/H/D most will do the biz
  10. I used deerhound x, had a good one 2, is there any pure working deerhounds left out there to breed from???
  11. look up wolf hounds on google must of been done in the past.
  12. Nice to see the next gen getting out there well done young'un
  13. nice looking dogs mate, am sure a few on here will be intersted to hear about the pharaoh houndx its a topic that been up a few times ATB Jambay
  14. havent measured her yet mate and its 1st time ive had this cross so im not sure pal, the wheaton x is 24 to 25 tts if that gives you a idea mate shes 18 week old yer about the same size as mine was at that age, if your pup go's in the same direction as mine you may have the bargin of a life time on your hands.
  15. Anyway back on topic! nice pup mate good feet, looks a bit like mine do you think he going to be a big'un? mine 26tts at 9months!
  16. Sorry to hear that, lost my old bitch last March so no how your feeling. ATB Jambay
  17. Got everything crossed for you mate hope she ok.
  18. Nice looking muts mate, well done to the pup
  19. trouble is the public tar us with the same brush! these c*$ts need cleansing from human race. makes me sick just thinking about it, poor dogs RIP and hope the wa***rs get whats coming to them!
  20. well done mate how old is he hows he breed?looks like theres abit of saluki in him i could be rong he just coming up to 9months he is a second gen salxgry mate what is he bread WITH [bANNED TEXT] He is a salxgry cross salxgry not sure of the mix dam looked more sal, sire looked more gry
  21. Was same round here went out at seven could not see 20 yards with the lamp!! 10mins later was clear as a bell.
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