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Everything posted by jambay5

  1. 2 much 2 young end of pre ban my mut wont see longears till 24months old! pups have a lot to learn from catching lots of rabbits first just my opinion.
  2. Just to answer your questions in order; yes, they should be good for rabbits and ferreting; yes, they could be ok on the lamp for rabbits; and I would say a 3/4 should definatly be faster than a 1st cross ! Personaly, I would rather go for a Beddy/Grey as an allrounder than a Beddy/Whippet, as I find them to small to be good allrounders, but many people will disagree with me on that one !! Cheers. Yer i agree the few people who i no who have beddyxwhipps always seem to say they wish it had a bit of gry init, plus a fistx beddy gry aint going to be much bigger than 23tts
  3. cheers lads, do you lads gut to stop worms???
  4. Hi Lads and lasses was just wondering as am planning to get ferrets in the summer, when i got back from lamping other night i noticed the rabbits were jumping with fleas and as i am planning on feeding my ferrets on rabbit! will they pass on to the ferrets??? ATB Jambay
  5. after say Sean am not a bullx fan, but the dog in the pic looks spot on,
  6. Cheeting a bit but this is my colliexwhipxgry
  7. Lol just let her read the thred Hey newkid yer she wont be bothered about the ferrets, yer he spot on in the field and he no that bad in the house really.
  8. Lol the dog going nowhere but your right he does need a bit of work on his manners, just got back in from an hour on the lamp with the pup! 2 out 2, my post was a bit tung in cheek, but will follow some of the tips
  9. yer i tell her that mate, it been 4months of fighting there not that bad round me.
  10. Guess what i really need is some to swap a big dog for a small one! and thats just the wife
  11. yer same here was sick of rabbit by the end of the strike!
  12. just got in from work, wife not happy with my 10 month old pup!! he a lovely dog coming on well but he snaps at my other dog so she cant let them both out together! and he jumps up at her, top and bottom of one of them has to go!!! the pup or the wife.
  13. I always used to feed mine liver!! 20 years ago now though, getting some ferrets in summer so will be watching this topic
  14. Mine was a manchester x whippet, was from an unwanted litter did ok but it liked to rome!!
  15. It what pups do, will grow out of it
  16. Think its fair to say bryn is the best colliex on the hunting life
  17. not best pics but bring back some good Memories
  18. A pics of my salxgry pup now 10months had a few rabbits coming on well, and a pic of my old girl lost her this time last year the pic with me in it was back in 97 when she was 5months old, pic with my son was xmas 10, last pic is of my first dog she a Manchester x whippet.
  19. Don't take this the wrong way, why don't you just get another pup plenty out there! bred to do the job you want it to.
  20. Both dogs look spot on bread for a job looks like then 2 do well
  21. its been not as good as i would have liked with the weather but a few in the freezer looking forward to the lighter nights so i can get out and do some training with both dogs, looking for big things next season from both my dogs plus getting some ferrets (dont tell the wife!!!) ATB
  22. With deerhound in the mix you have to give it a chance can be very slow to mature, my old deerhoundx was well into her seconed year before she started hitting bunnies for fun,
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