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Everything posted by jambay5

  1. A bit late but here go's went out with my new Jill (picked up the night before) and the whippetx my mate Andy from Weatherby kindly asked me over for the day, this is only the third time i have been out ferreting since i was a kid! and loved it, only had a few nets with us so Andys dog came in handy he is a 5/8 3/8 collie cross hancock lines and a true all rounder, netted up first set Andy put is 2 hobs in 2 bolted in no time, moved on next set netted what we could but sods law all bolted from holes not covered and dogs missed (there for next time) ferrets were getting the run around so put my
  2. Would love to help you out but not crossing the sea to take a ferret lol. good look with finding one, am sure someone on here will help you out. ATB
  3. yer i think a bit bull 2, yer she spot on just getting her fit now before giving her a go.
  4. got one you can have and i live in cas
  5. this is my dog was told she was colliexwhipxgrey back to a whip!!! she about 22tts really high prey drive would run though a wall to get at something!! what do you lads and lasses think???
  6. R.I.P Red sorry for your loss mate, ATB
  7. paid 28 for some patrol boots be off sick last few days where the blister has got infected lol!!!!!!!!!
  8. I would say thats the best way to get a sheep killer!! an old timer once told me that Chinese birds gullies went the other way!!!!
  9. some nice muts lads, was out with an hancock bred 5/8 3/8 other week, one of the best nights out lamping i have had was a pleasure to watch it work.
  10. well 2 week have passed and the dog is looking lots better, have since found out she a whippet x collie x grey back to a whippet so not as fat as first thought maybe just a little over weight and unfit, but really coming on well only ever use a lead near roads, use's her nose all the time fingers cross she will take to my ferrets in time and a bit of lamping. ATB
  11. I agree the whippy stick not to beat just to snap the dog out of it, my saluki the same want to play with every dog we come across but is far to ruff!!!
  12. Nice one, feels good when it comes together
  13. come on every one on this site must watch the dog whisperer! lol
  14. Thanks Skycat will do that, Pernod i see what you mean, but the dog had been worked but not walked if you no what i mean! just left in pen then taken out once twice a week for lamping! will keep posting of her progress ATB
  15. Hi rescued a whippet today, its fat as pig and really unfit, the fitness thing is not a problem long walks and bits of work should sort that! my question is should i feed all at once or spilt into a few meals per day??? looking forward to getting this dog back on track, some so called lurcher men should be shot at birth, the dog smelled like dirty skunk!! full of worms!! so 2 warm baths, a good brush frontlined and wormed nice 7mile walk bit of dinner out for another 2 miles, nice meaty lamb bone for tea. ATB
  16. point i was trying to make is that castration alone will not solve the issue training normally still needed
  17. it may not stop him being aggressive had mine done last year did not make a diff, training the dog is the best way mate, oh and he did not lose his prey drive at all
  18. Top man, that what this game is short of these day helping each other out
  19. Problem is bits of kids who no sod all about dogs (not that am an expert) get pup then pass them on at 7months when they dont kill everything there slip't on, then there back to the classifieds asking silly questions!!
  20. Class act that dog. not 2 sure about the commentary though lol, only joking thanks for sharing
  21. I cant make my mind up about raw or dry! feed dry at the min with lamb bones! could do with a seven day plan!!
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