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Everything posted by Puzzled

  1. that bear hunt wouldnt appeal to me at all....a bit too long for its demise...its something that never appealed to me ,,but each to their own...i wouldnt condemn it ,,but i would rather use a rifle
  2. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/ld387/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-02/Screenshot_20170214-001158_zpsy0fxaqaq.png http://s67.photobucket.com/user/ld387/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-02/Screenshot_20170214-001158_zpsy0fxaqaq.png.html http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h283/ld387/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-02/Screenshot_20170214-001158_zpsy0fxaqaq.png
  3. thats not correct,we have an 8 year old 1st x thats never looked at sheep ever,and ran amongst them while coursing different varietys of game,,im at this game a long time and not a beginner and its the 1st dog weve had to stray from the rule book
  4. well I never thought id be writing this but the bitch had to be put down yesterday,she for some reason mauled a sheep,and had no intentions of stopping either,and as we hunt in lots of sheep infested land thats unforgivable..She did the unforgivable act and we couldnt trust her ever again to be let run amongst them..after 2 years she turned...lifes a bitch at times...defo need a new pup now.
  5. no I havent any photos of the dog,will try take one during the week
  6. cause im looking for a genuine 1st x,not a saluki x with a lurcher
  7. I have a 1st x and she is a very decent dog and id be happy to get one like her,i do a bit of everything,not just an out and out coursing dog...
  8. where and who is mike?Im down cork city area ,if you hear of anything going that might be of interest drop me a line curdog thanks
  9. cause I have one all ready and shes been a brilliant dog,taken all kinds of everything consistently,,,and I have access to some well bred salukis saturated dogs but my preference is a 1st x..
  10. trying to find a 1st x,a rarity on this side of the pond...plenty of saluki bred pups but not 1st x
  11. Anyone breeding a 1st x after x mass/next spring? Looking for a pup early next year...Based in southern Ireland and the dog we have is getting on in years now.If theres anything going you might keep us in mind thanks...we like the dog to multi task so a few different quarries will be pursued,,,not just a big rabbit dog
  12. this was the bitches first litter,the sire produced a few good workers from another related bitch 2 years ago,1 failed in that litter 3 made extremely good dogs and are still holding their own...
  13. these dogs were all bred from proven stock,all that were bred from were seen worthy of mating toigether..The man that bred them knows every dog going back a long way....all can say is the owner found them worthy of mating together and hes done a lot of digging over the years,hes had some very successful outcomesinprevious litters...
  14. thays not in question i must say,the men that took these dogs have good management skills where entering is concerned..they were all over 16 months before getting a look but they were out from 11 months watching the adult dogs do their thing,they were only allowed to rag the dead,and the pups from this litter were divided by 3 men and all failed...everyone is bewildered as to why this has happened but we just need to get on with it and try again but these 2 dogs will never be mated again,
  15. .heres one for you,what about a sire and a dam of a litter of pups,the sire is rock hard and has been dug to for well over 6 seasons,the dam is a right battle axe and mixes it with her quarry and has been dug to for almost as long as the sire ...and all the pups failed to make the grade..and this season both dog and bitch have been dug to again without fail on numerous occasions.How the hell does this happen,the dogs are line bred to a certain extent and up to this point have been bred by putting worker to worker,the failures culled and still this situation arises,whats your thoughts on this f
  16. try a kelpie,we got a kelpie x that will sit and stare hard at deer without budging,even if they scent you and run off,Ive taken a shot and dropped game and she just twitches but doesnt run in....Shes sat and watched some run over the brow of the glen or hill and wait for to be told to fetch,she then takes off and finds downed quarry,not as good as a GWP I expect but shes done it enough times to impress me.
  17. Coverdogs thats used for attatching to a bulls ring(the one on his nose).I have one of those for the bull terrier,very handy and very strong too,
  18. hes hard to miss and even harder to live with. thanks
  19. johnny boy 68 nice beardie how old is he? hullhunter i like that fanfooted gecko they remind me a lot of the crested gecko what size viv do you guys think i would need for a gecko?. do yea think im better off buying it as an adult or youngster?oh ya dont really like the leopard geckos at all. i dont really fancy snakes either i find them boring. thanks again for the advice everyone keep it coming
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