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mj robson

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Everything posted by mj robson

  1. Well done Foxy, It was a cracking sunrise this morning, made me feel like it was the middle of summer! I had a bit of luck too. Cheers, Mark.
  2. It would more than likely have been a snare or the top two wires on a fence that took the leg off, either way I would shoot it asap. That young Doe looks very small, you did it a big favour. Mark.
  3. Well done Frank, That's a nice looking beast. Mark.
  4. Bertie, Just out of curiousity are you going on some kind of course or are you paying a goode guide to take you out?? A guide shouldn't be charging you to take you out on crown foreshore where shooting is free. Mark.
  5. I have a 10/22 with a Simmons WTC 3.5-10x50 on top, It's a cracking scope and works well for me, plus is's inside your price range. Mark.
  6. I shot a ringed drake Tufted Duck on the Ouse washes on Monday morning. Mark.
  7. We've had dozens on geese we've shot, all from Scotland or Iceland. A Teal from Holland, a Snipe from Poland and a Woodpigeon from I can't remember where. Mark.
  8. Millet, They do put a metal numbered ring around the leg but in recent years they also started putting larger plastic rings on so the birdy boys could see them easier and call in the sightings. They first started with small (but bigger than the metal ones) plastic rings on the opposite leg to the metal ones but they were often still too hard to see so they put these even bigger rings around their necks. They even experimented with spray painting the white tail flanks with a yellow paint so the ringed birds stood out from the crowds more! That didn't last long though. A mate of mine shot
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Cheers, Mark.
  10. Thanks guys. Greygoose, I love my xtrema too but I took my old Ithaca Mag10 out the other week (first time in a year) and shot my first trebble of the season and a long 60 yard single. I used to use this gun all the time and I'm going to make sure it gets out more often from now on. I've had a great season so far, 13 flights and only 2 blanks. Some of those pics are up north of Inverness and the others are the Tay and Forth. Cheers, Mark.
  11. For the last two years I've been taking my little digi camera out with me on most of my shooting trips. I've been keeping a sort of photographic game diary, I've missed a few days here and there and wet days with just the odd bird but from all the pictures I have taken I can remember every day. Here are some of the photos I've taken this season, Cheers, Mark.
  12. They are mostly pets, although we did sell a few of the birds we bred to wildfowl collectors, at one point we had 18 Pintail and sucessfully bred Hawian Geese, the rarest goose in the world and 8th rarest bird. We have given away a lot of the birds in recent years and only have a small collection now. Mark.
  13. The ring on the Pinkfooted Goose was put there as part of the BTO goose monitoring program. This bird was caught in a cannon net as a juvenile bird in Aberdeenshire along with many others, it had a neck and leg ring put on and was then released into the wild again. It was shot (just wing tip damage) in Fife four days later and has lived in this collection ever since, it's about 3 years old now. The rest of the pinks and greys in this collection were also casualties of war, :11: 3 of the geese have been with us for 12 years now. They were wounded birds caught on Montrose Basin by the the
  14. Here are a few pictures taken on our ponds where we breed a lot of different ducks and geese. Cheers, Mark.
  15. Spot on j4wgs, If only everyone took that view. I've shot Wildfowl in most places in Scotland from the Solway to the Outer Hebrides but Findhorn is not on my list. I've heard so many horror stories about the cowboys from some of my mates it kind of put me off the place. I been for a trip every season for the last 15 years up the the Northern Firths above Inverness and even up there it depends on what dates you go as to wether the crowds are there. I do most of my 'fowling locally on the Tay and Forth. Glad to see you guys enjoyed your trip. Cheers, Mark.
  16. Hi folks, I'm new on this forum, and very good it looks too. I don't know how I've never come across it in the past. Some of you will know me from other forums, I've seen a few names I know. My main passion is Wildfowling and Deer Stalking but I can turn my hand to pretty much most things shooting wise. I just love being in the great outdoors. Cheers, Mark. OOP'S, sorry I've just noticed the "New Members section" Mark.
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