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Everything posted by wullieh

  1. anybody know of anyone with a litter of pups or a young dog needing a good home.
  2. Mate looking for a dh x collie pup and was thinking of going to handcock, what price do he charge for his dogs ?
  3. yep we keep or money so we can be the richest country on this island when we go at it alone, no more being run by the English
  4. ive got two bitches the same breed nearly 2yr old now and cant fault them, excellent on the rabbits.
  5. there a lot of hype about them dying with aplastic anaemia but to be honest I've seen jills come in to me when I used to run a rescue that had been in season for months
  6. cheers mate but far from what I want, once finished doing house then garden revamp on the cards with much bigger run with option to split if I decide to get a terrier's
  7. your hob is just starting to come in to season mate, they way to check is check t see if his balls have dropped, not being smart as the hobs retract them during the winter and normally only come into season a few weeks after the jills start to come into season, but he will be fine give him another try in a weeks time if his balls have dropped mate. Swelling will show signs of going down after 7 days but can take up to 21 days to go right down.
  8. kennel wind and water tight and even got own heating and get lots of exercise bud
  9. Who nitted the jumper great minds think alike BPR
  10. Ex wife got 3 out in her back garden would love a crack at them but it a built up area, see them most days between 3.30pm and 4.30pm
  11. did your granny knit that jumper
  12. my own dogs are mainly outside but allow them in at night and even let them stay in over night when the temp is to be below -5 even though they got heating in there kennel, always look that bit more happy to be in the house on a cold night. not had any illness other than one getting the cold. both are only 2yr old. Say mainly in the kennel but when at home they et run off the garden first thing I do when home is to let them out.
  13. Just wondering what your opinion is, do you think dogs do better and live a longer healthy life in the house or kennels?
  14. I have indeed.... Wheres your cattys that youve made?... Haven't made any, and even if I had made the odd one or two, I wouldn't signaturise it with my THL user name initials because that's just sad sad
  15. I have indeed.... Wheres your cattys that youve made?... Haven't made any, and even if I had made the odd one or two, I wouldn't signaturise it with my THL user name initials because that's just sad
  16. Nope!! Ahhh...i get it quality but got to say I wear hunters got two pair for £25 of a guy on here who's cousin works for hunter and got to say you feel the difference in the support and one pair lasted me 3 yr still got the second pair.
  17. looking to tag along with someone for a days ratting in Scotland, as only do rabbiting and was thinking of getting a terrier in the future...any offers ?
  18. Dont get that? two totally different posts with no connection how he thinks there is beats me
  19. mate ferreting and bent forward to get electric fence across forehead then 5 mins later tried to step over it and get zapped on his crown jewels, ive been lucky so far
  20. People harp on about nothing to do during the summer months so why not get involved and lets try get this club up and running.
  21. this van has now been reported to have been in west Lothian Scotland over the last few days where 3 dog's have been stolen. was sent to me by a friend who had seen it on there facebook page.
  22. great read and quality pictures, keep them coming
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