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Everything posted by wullieh

  1. forgive me for my ignorance but what is the mix and what height is she likely to make. Wullie
  2. sorry for the late reply but both bob church ( An americian ferret expert) and Erica (vet who specialises in small animals) came over to my house about 5 yr ago on a world wide tour collecting data for ferrets taken tool samples as well as measuring each ferret, they said that over the years they have heard of worms but all ferrets with this were reared reared in Marshall farms in the united states and that they had no evidence of it, and that no ferret they had checked in in uk/europe had ever shown any signs of worms, they also reported that about about this time when they were here there
  3. depends on the individual jill, have known jills to be fine most of the time but you do get the odd one that go mad and kill the lot.
  4. Looking for sandy jill kits in Scotland for a mate if anyone has any. Wullie
  5. had a full angora and even though he was cracking and huge I wouldn't have another.
  6. Getting your jills the jill jab or putting them with a vas hob will still run a high risk of this keep happening, more so with the vas hob, the only way to totally cure it is to get your ferrets spayed or go for the implant that the vets are pushing for. Wullie
  7. Due to the fact of a ferret having a very fast digestive track, approx. 3hrs this give any worms that they might pick up during feeding no chance to getting hold, in the 8 yrs of running ferret rescue and having an American expert over to take samples both myself and him (BoB Church) have never known of worms in ferrets. Wullie
  8. that you been stealing people designs for the carriers BPR lol
  9. Looking for an XXXX large water proof dog bedding mat most I see are 48" x 36 " is there any one who knows of a supplier who makes them bigger? its for my two lurcher's to sleep on, fed up of them dragging the straw al over the place.
  10. Gun sold to Joetx from the site thanks again mate Wullie
  11. I would be interested but my dogs just doing rabbits to be honest if that's ok
  12. got a near new tomahawk .22 up for swaps it is almost near perfect condition with just a slight scratch on the stock. let me know what you got. will also sell if price is right. wullie
  13. Got a very nice .22 tomahawk for sale in near perfect condition just a slight scratch on the stock, was looking for £250 but reduced it to £230 and will through in scope and bag as well, or make me an offer. or willing to swap for the right .177 rifle might even part with some cash so let me know if anybody interested. PM me for pics to mobile or EMail Wullie
  14. looking for £250 guys pm me your mob number and I will send you pictures if interested. Wullie Now £230
  15. got the above with gun bag and scope great gun slight scratch on stock but not that bad looking, near mint cond will send pics if interested. make me an offer or might be interested in swap. WYG Price now £230 or swap or part exchange and cash waiting if you got the right .177 gun for sale Wullie
  16. somebody must know a rough price for these guns as cant find on the net except one at £350 but tat seems bit extreme was thinking more like £250 ovno Wullie
  17. got a webley tomahawk in .22 this gun is in near mint cond with just a slight scratch on the stock, this gun comes with scope and bag. will send pics via txt to those interested. PM me and Make me an offer. Wullie Ok how about making me offer.
  18. just bought a webley and scott tomahawk .22 in near mint cond just a slight surface scratch, wondering what price these guns are selling for as don't intend in keeping it. meant to say scope and bag included in sale Wullie
  19. Good price surprised it still for sale. Wullie
  20. shabby work, looks like it got a hoe in the wall and is that a live wire above the patio door sticking out?
  21. but am I getting the one you made????
  22. Tell you what BPR if you still got it by time of the next meeting I will give you £20 for it with you throwing in one of your fine rabbit carriers, how's that for a deal. Wullie
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