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Everything posted by wullieh

  1. Think it more of just a case of people sharing there past experiance with there ferrets, and not giving a complete diagnosis even a vet cant do that on a public forum he would have to see the animal.
  2. Not been on the site in months found thatif you not in there wee group then they dont want to know. but willhave a look to see whats going on.
  3. what colour is the father and are they off working stock
  4. Reminds me of when i was picking ferrets up in the fife area just about to cross the forth rd bridge and one was at the peddles of the car my mate had to lean over and grab it just glad no lorrys were passing at the time might have thought somthing else was happening.
  5. do the lump feel hard or soft if soft then it be an abcess if hard i think it prob be cancer of the lymp gland, when a ferret gets it there it can be aggresive but can be removed.
  6. never known it with hobs and jills in my coming upto 25 yrs of keeping ferrets,if you have had this then i would think you dont separate your hobs and jills quick enough after breeding, or don't pay them enough attention to see thet they dont get on and are fighting and should be separated. This will be a first for you then Wullie,- I once saw a jill which had been scalped by a hob, that's no word of a lie. The jill had been in with the hob for less than a day and when they were first introduced to each other there was no hint of what was to follow. It was 3 days after the incident w
  7. I have a grand vitara and was out today/ night and shot 16 bunnies with my air rifle, no complaints of it off road.except when i hit a gate hehe,my fault not the cars
  8. never known it with hobs and jills in my coming upto 25 yrs of keeping ferrets,if you have had this then i would think you dont separate your hobs and jills quick enough after breeding, or don't pay them enough attention to see thet they dont get on and are fighting and should be separated. This will be a first for you then Wullie,- I once saw a jill which had been scalped by a hob, that's no word of a lie. The jill had been in with the hob for less than a day and when they were first introduced to each other there was no hint of what was to follow. It was 3 days after the incident w
  9. Well George are you saying that the vet and owners in Chesterfield are not telling the truth then. Tiggypud Lost me here George? A vet not telling the truth where have I said that? Owners in Chesterfield not telling the truth have nt mentioned them either? Now go back and read my posts where I said about people making out there is an out break of distemper rife when PM have clearly shown that not to be the case is that right? Has a veterinarian diagnosed and treated ferrets for distemper when as the report says it is in fact not distemper and that by giving vacines can actually give th
  10. The vey will tell you that you must wait 8 wks after getting your hob a vasectomey but i rather wait 12 weeks as this allows time for any live sperm to die off as even if the op is a success, as the sperm is said to be live in the tubes until a further 6 weeks, but this is from a vet and as i said i wait 12 as i would rather double it.
  11. why did you not just wait and take them in all together as the viel they use will do 4 jills and this is hat you pay for, might be a little more expencive but not much the stuff they had left afer doing your jills would hic=ve been destroyed.
  12. is it somthing that looks atached to the ferret? if so it likley to be a tick. the following options are available 1.use a tick remover available from most pet shops about £3.50 and twist anti clock wise. 2. use petoleum jully or vasaline and smother the tick this stops it from breeding and will fall off. 3 use front line spray this will kill the tick and any eggs laid within 7 days. i tend to use options 1 and 3 when geting any in the rescue with ticks.
  13. never known it with hobs and jills in my coming upto 25 yrs of keeping ferrets,if you have had this then i would think you dont separate your hobs and jills quick enough after breeding, or don't pay them enough attention to see thet they dont get on and are fighting and should be separated.
  14. find if you rough house them a little then bend in front of them and clap your hands this works
  15. since ferrets are reletivly new to the vets there is not many vacines for ferrets let alone the distemper one they tend to base them on cats, and have forgot the amount of times i have had to sign to say i am allowing the vet to use somthing on the ferret that is not registered for them. asking friend on on=ther forum there is no vaccine for distemper for ferrets like i thought.
  16. Not for the first time I have to agree with "The one". A mate of mine kept 3 hobs together and hadn't a bit of bother. this is what you risk if you keep entire hobs together.
  17. Looks like it is not distemper.read this got it sent to me today. Dear All Some of you may be aware that there have been quite a few ferret deaths reported in the Derbyshire and Yorkshire areas of which one suggestion has been canine distemper. When at the end of March we heard about this, we started to investigate possible causes, ferret numbers involved, etc. We have not been able to access the post mortem results that mention canine distemper however, when another person's ferrets started to die they agreed to having full post mortem and pathology reports carried ou
  18. what's the name of the mesh on that? looks like 20mm X 10mm welded mesh same as mine onlt he has ran it up the way and i ran mine across,
  19. its just that I was thinking of working to hobs then best get the neutered as they might still fight if they think they are entire.
  20. Pest removal disclaimer This document is to certify that ____________,of ________________, has been given permission by the owners of __________________________ to hunt on their property for pest species such as ______________________________________________. All hunting will be carried out with a _______________________________________ And all care taken to ensure safe shooting practices whether in open countryside or around buildings and structures. All hunting will tale place between the hours of ______________, and __________on days deeded appropriate by the owners, with
  21. Replace the chicen wire and get yourself a ferret then you be able to keep the good job you did in building this.
  22. Guy from airdrie in scotland also looking for a hob to service his jill, pm me with contact number if willing.
  23. The cost???? surley it depends on what you want from you hob if he just a pet then get him castrated if he is to take your jills out of season then he will need to have a vasectomy done the cost dont vary that much in some vets it might cost as little as £5 extra my vet charge £54 for castration and £61 to vasectomise.
  24. sounds bout right never known a ferret to come into season the same yr as been born, but sure someone will declare they have had it happen to them.
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