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Everything posted by wullieh

  1. I dont think this breed ever exsitsted, you can ask for pictures and if you lucky to get any id say it is the following. 1. runt of a litter 2. litter not being fed properly due to lack of knowledge or neglect. 3. controlled feeding programe to limit there size. My mate like his jills to be small and decided he wanted to breed so i found him a very small hob to breed with the hob was smaller than most jills, but because he cares about his ferrets it turned out every kit was much bigger than the parents, yes you can breed for colour and size but as for grehond strain as i said i dont b
  2. looks minted mate now it all painted
  3. might be soya or lactose free mines get that and have no probs with skitters or that.been doin it for years. thats what i said to him on the other forum.
  4. are they living together and are both entire if this the case your sad how would you like to be raped by another man lol. they got raging hormones and got to find a hole somewhere
  5. on thinking about this ive seen fleas on rabbits but over the thousands of rabbits ive killed i have never once seen a tick on them, has anyone else seen one, think rabbits have a way of escaping them my theory is the live in the dark and tick dont like that. what your veiws.
  6. hope you seen my post on other forum mate about the milk.
  7. 6 jills one being a hybrid 2 polies 1 silver and 2 dark eyed white. 1 vas hob 1 angora hob but cutting down stock will only have vas hob and 2 polies and silver when finished.
  8. no matter how dark you get them they will alway have a white or cream bit around there mouth.
  9. They sell for about £55 on ebay but last for yrs and lighter than any wooden box.
  10. read the first post mate your jills will come back into season and is normal if using a vas hob but the guy asking about one that had 3 kits coming back into season.
  11. i just been asked to deal with rabbits at my place of work as the costomer requirements say we must remove them. they asked the contract holder for pest control and there price was too dear so they asked me to do it and i get paid time and a half for it. as for gassing is it not illegal for to gas until the warren is emptied? think it is.
  12. Where you from mate? as i got one in my rescue bout 4 yr ago from a guy who got it also from james McKay at the midlands gamefair, it was a mega nasty thybrid and to this day still is i handed it over to one of my friends whe deals with hybrids and he said he cant tame this one down, despite her young being % easy to handle.
  13. Good that she is on the mend again mate, but more important was that your quick thinking and dealing with her has prob saved her life and the kits lifes too well done.
  14. need to know what foot it is mate 8ft is ag13 or LR44 the 15 ft are smaller but not sure what ones.
  15. Dont think it as much as experts/idiots as put but people with sound knowledge of ferrets just trying to give the best advice. But then you have the folk that think they know and in reality dont know much.
  16. I CULL !!! there i said it i didnt last year mind but i will this year, i will keep one for myself and cull the rest. i like my workers and will breed what and cull what i want. and plus i hate to see a jill get dragged down by the kits. is this not one of your posts on another topic primate???? So clear to me you intend on killing and not just trying to get biters.
  17. Thats what this forum is meant to be for give advice where needed, and not just for slagging each other off.
  18. could not have put it better myself.
  19. I tend to have a quick glance at the litter when the mum is out feeding or removed if need be to allow cage cleaning, but not touch them for the first 2 weeks to make sure there is no dead ones left in the nest that might carry disease and affect the others.
  20. Primate you just waiting for me to jump in there aye but think i might aswell just say folk will see how much of a plonker you are if you have 10 kits you going to kill 9. :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:
  21. Just to clear up the facts before im shot down. If the jill gives birth to a small number of kits, i.e four or fewer, then she likley to return to oestrus about two to three weeks after the birth of the litter. if the jill does come back into season,she should be mated immediately; if she is not, the raised levels of oestroegen in the jill will inhibet lactation (i.e milk production)this causing potential fatal problems for the kits in the litter and even the mother.
  22. Maybe you mate bred them with an entire hob letting you think he used his vas hob just to wynd you up, but it is more likley to be phantom preg and as said will last about 6 weeks after they were due to give birth, then they prob be ready to come back into season again. as for the colour change this is normal and can be very drastic from moult to moult.
  23. this is a fault within the jill mate you have got to now either breed her with a vas hob or get her the jill jab, failing this she will stop producing milk to feed her kits and all 3 of them will more than likley die.
  24. got they pannels on my back fence you have to watch as they tend to shrink/warp and this could lead to possable escapes but otherwise good set up mate.
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