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Everything posted by wullieh

  1. there eating meat now mate they just havent got there eyes open there 4weeks on saturday 4 weeks is far too young 8 weeks min old saying 8 wks is good 10 wks better 12 wks even better.
  2. Tinned dog food gives nothing to the ferret i feed mine on a diet of ferret biscuit but mainly rabbit and even the odd pheasant, dont feed dog food if you dont have a supply of meat or ferret biscuits cat food is better for them.
  3. down sizing now only got 7 left but might even just settle for the 3 or 4 but all doing great.
  4. reply, hows the ferrets getting on anyway mate, and i mean your ones.
  5. forgot i was that good looking back then.
  6. Good head shots there mate, nice bag to start your days out again. just thought you deserve a slut.
  7. Cracking post mate, and one big bunny there. prob killed the daddy of all the summer young ones. have a slut
  8. i not done a lot of fishing in the last 3 yrs but a work mate has told me thet you now need a rod licence in scotland is this true? i know there was talk of it a while back and if it is true how much will it cost.
  9. was out today doing abit of ferreting for my work as the pest control company was going to charge them crazy money, and i said i would do it for double time, so £50 better off and four rabbits to feed the ferrets,there was only four sets to do the first being a single hole with plenty of droppings so thinking sure thing put net over the hole and entered the ferret only to have baby rats come running through the net,but no rabbit then the next set got one out of a four holer and a kill, then moved onto the biggest set 7 nets needed here and got 2 but also lost 4 squeakers that ran out when ad
  10. that is reason it might work for a day the poor buggers below will soon find if they go there they might get shit and piss on them, also not too keen on mesh floor as not too good for there feet, why not just put solid floor and add a litter tray for ease of cleaning.
  11. was telling my mate about your loss as he had the same thing happen to him now he has a 2ft sheet of ply that he slids across the bottom of his hut door so the ferrets cant go out, where im lucky i already hve a 2nd door on my hut that i shut build with 2x2 and the old fire guards, anyway who said ferrets dont have a homing instinct glad she safe buddy.
  12. local spca number for you is balerno 0131 449 3979 and ask the local kids to help look for her, also if i get a call into the rescue i let you know.
  13. Hi ihave the bsa tactical xl in .177 and yes it has got a bit of a kick but if supported then is a very good gun and after some shots you soon find it ok to fire unsupported too, my advice though would be buy good scopes and a one piece mount i use simmons whitetail classic scope.
  14. get her to the vets it could be as simple as sore face fae a rabbit kick but then agin might be an infection and your vet might give you batryl to help, or worse case it might be a stroke.
  15. A Slut point is a reputation point :11: Trust me, its good to be a slut with a massive 'Reputation' I think Stealthy is probably the biggest slut here, but I'm trying like mad to de-throne the old slapper Phantom how do you give them ? and see how many you got?
  16. what are you feeding them on because if they are 7 wks they small and thin they look more like 5 and a half wk kits to me, maybe 6 weeks at a push. but never 7 weeks.
  17. The complete book of ferrets by val porter and nicholas brown is one of the best i have read and i have got a few. books i own Ferret breeding-james mcKay the ferret and ferreting handbok -james mcKay complete guide to ferrets -james mcKay ferrets for dummies outta control ferret the ferret and ferrting guide- graham wellstead ferret and ferreting -iain brodie introduction to ferrets - james mcKay all about your ferret - Sheila crompton how to care for your ferret -colin jeal working ferrets- jackie drakeford - this alo is a good book. Biology and diseases of the ferret -ja
  18. Whats a slut apart fae the type you can pick up on a sat night ?
  19. Funny name "marge" cant believe its not "butter"... Al get mine too You don't need to stand for that... i will get you a chair.
  20. Thanks for the repplys guys i am really starting to enjoy going out shooting more and more, hope the weather a bit better tomorrow and i might just go out.
  21. maybe he shoot gazza and do us all a favour.
  22. nice silver jil mate i have one just like her she not the fastest worker but is a great worker strong and wont leave until she empties the warren.
  23. Cracking pic and the ground speaks for its self through your pics mate well done and great wright up si. ye lucky bugger.
  24. Well after dinner i decided stuff it i am going to go a walk to my local permission that only takes 10 mins and when i walked around i seen a small bunny sitting outside some gorse bushes so i slowly lifted the gun as there was three of them but two ran when they seen me, i didn't expect to see any there as never seen them there before. took aim and smack got the little cotton tail, he just rolled over with out as much as a kick. then as i was walking up to the farm i spotted another one grazing in the field next to the barn he ran into the stone dyke was so i walked round and waited to se
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