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Everything posted by CrowHawker

  1. My Gyr/peregrine was a duck hawk for 5 seasons and still takes them from a very nice pitch but it's Easyier to fly game birds and crows as are easier to set up flights
  2. If you breed owls you will need to imprint them or risk not selling them and having even 3,4,5 seasons with a Harris or red will not prepare you for imprinting. I'd just stick with a Good mentor then a bird in that order. Atb
  3. Mmm... Not a fan of a Avairy in a day to day garage with dust etc if its not then thats cool see what your mentor says and go with that
  4. It's owlets officially mate and don't no not many people hunting owls you won't hunt a Bengal eagle owl the only chance you'd have is with a Eeo my granddads old female that's in with a male now caught 100s of foxes she retired when he died as she would have anyone apart from him.
  5. very true what you say, I have a mentor and have the back up of someone who has bred owls before, but still you have brought me back to earth with a bump a reminded me that they might be better in a huge aviary doing***all I would like to breed some in the future and fly them for pleasure, possibly hunt occasionally but may not bother if they are hard to get entered. I am looking to eventually be flying a cast of harrisses in a couple of yearsto be honest mate most owls are better of in a huge aviary doing feeck all as most are useless unless you want to eat worms and mice lol....if you want
  6. From the last week in julyish depending what age you want it. I think bengals are between November and april
  7. If the bird is tethered you don't want it getting wet and not being able to get out the way and catching a chill if free lofted it can make it's on mind up find a perch to dry out and out of the wind. One of my Harris's sits in rain for hours
  8. Old ways the best way in my eyesIt's good to know their are people out their teaching the real husbandry side of are sport. It's true you never stop learning.
  9. You'll never forget your first real time might be years but it will happen I made a mistake once going into help feed my old imprint and read her wrong she nailed me in the face
  10. Seeing as gaz 89 is doing things the right way got me thinking my grandfather a long time ago taught me every aspect of falconry from jess making to AI!how many people make and use their own equipment? And also imping how many no how to do it? Just curious
  11. Yes it is mate but worth the drive it's about 13hrs with stops etc can't wait
  12. Cheers will be fantastic and if I can put a grouse in the bag that just a bonus!
  13. Good luck mate write every thing down in a journal sort of thing because you will be told loads of stuff you won't remember it all. A year will fly by mate.
  14. I go because my brother is the head keeper, plus I think it's just a sort of tradition amongst us.
  15. Falconry mate trying to book some desert hawking and a holiday staying at the Atlantis
  16. Ive spoke to a few people about the risk of tethering during colder months but alot of people seem to do it with no problem. Surely in theory the tethering perch could be placed 5 foot off the ground to keep the bird away from any ground frost? True that's just my way of doing things
  17. Not till April next year mate
  18. Any body heading north of the border next month? I'm going up to Elgin on the 11th with a peregrine,terceil,red naped/saker male my old Gyr/peregrine and my 2 trusty hyenas! both peregrines are imprints and other 2 are PR
  19. Free lofting is safer in colder weather I think but all my falcons are in my falcon room on shelf pearchs and screen perches. Really can't wait for the 12th!
  20. Harris hawks and red tails are great birds be it for a beginner or a seasoned austringer! Wouldnt be without my Harris's!
  21. The number one thing beginners do to make its scream is that they cut the hawk to fast and instead of it being keen its far to sharp nice and steady and have steps with your training not moving on until the previous step is completed but your mentor will show you his way and that is the way to go! Re Harris or red go for the bird you like the look of most both are good birds if handled correctly from the outset. Re my imprinting for future breeding finger feed from day 1. I've found that if you imprint a gos Harris etc properly you get a little noise maybe quite a bit but if put in a sucl
  22. its nothing to do with the weight verses ability, its weight verses train- ability. take musket where 1/8th of an ounce is the difference between death and living. having an imprint gives you a better weight safety margin. I think a bird like a musket needs to be an imprint. I love imprints!
  23. First bird go PR someone imprinting a bird with no knowledge is a accident waiting to happen. Not all imprint accipiters will breed naturally I wouldn't risk a musket with a imprint spar myself. And not all mal (food) imprints scream and are not nasty if done properly but this sort of imprinting is done for breeding really. I like my Harris hawks crèche reared and picked up at 16 weeks but that's me but you will learn more from a pr 16-20 week bird
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