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Lee C

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Status Updates posted by Lee C

  1. My wife walked in to the dinning room last night and pored boiling hot carrots peas gravy mash and sausages over her head. I'm putting the dinner on she said. How we laughed on the way to the burns unit !! Whilst out treasure hunting me and my friend were horrified to unearth a dead body some what badly decomposed, how we laughed when we realised we were digging in the local cemetery !

    1. bird



      like the 1st 1 lol

  2. My wife walked in to the dinning room last night and pored boiling hot carrots peas gravy mash and sausages over her head. I'm putting the dinner on she said. How we laughed on the way to the burns unit !!

  3. Merry Christmas just wanted to get in there first before all the shops start selling stuff !!

  4. Winding my new baby 3 weeks 2 day old he's a little cracker Happy days !!

    1. pinguu


      Congrats mate, our youngest is 9 months. now time just flies by.

    2. Lee C

      Lee C

      Cheers can't wait to get him out in the field but don't want to wish the time away!! Back to work now so don't see enough of him already !! Need that lotto win so can devote all my time to him. ATB



    3. R.A.W


      congrats too mate. it's magical time.

  5. Happy new year and happy hunting for 2013 ATB Lee

  6. Anyone on here know Garry Barlow? Would not mind doing a bit of rabbiting around that small property he owns !!

    1. christian71


      Got a big f**k off lake as well

  7. Kirkbymooreside pubs ! Any one know of pub that is dog friendly and serves good food? ATB Lee

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. henarchchar


      kings head and the black swan are both ok i think

    3. henarchchar


      in fact i am on my way there now so i will find out

    4. henarchchar


      both fine with dogs, food at the kings head i think if not farndale good food

  8. hi this is craigboys wife leanne i have some bad news my husband has passed away on the 17 sep im sorry but could you please tell all his hunting life friends he was always on here thanks x

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. reddawn
    3. reddawn
    4. Rake aboot

      Rake aboot

      I hope you get to look at the Craigyboy thread Leanne, Hopefully it will show how well liked he was, We are all gutted at the terrible news and have been thinking about you all.

  9. This one will fox ya! I spy with my little eye something beginning with. R ?

  10. Might take the dog out for a swim later .... Sorry ment walk, it's the weather !!

    1. paulus


      watch out for hippo`s, water buffalow and crocadiles.....lol

    2. GrCh


      watch out for the big cats

    3. nothernlite
  11. Car boot sale! Need to make some pennys !! Mornin all

  12. Is off out ferreting on his own in a bit as he can't find anyone to come along and help !

  13. Topic prefix how do I select this in the for sale section ???

    1. Westy76


      its up the shitter mate been trying all day!!!

    2. Lee C

      Lee C

      Thanks ! All the best Lee


  14. Has had enough of tinitus !!!

  15. Rain rain rain !!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. paulus


      the rain hasnt stopped since the early hours im surpose to be taking a lad shooting this afternoon, its not looking goood...lol

    3. Moll.



      Ive got someone driving all the way from cumbria to get some chickens.


    4. paulus


      sleet and snow now

  16. Sausage sarnie cup a tea clean out the pets walk with the dog. Sun is shining here. Have a good day all

  17. Couple of hours out with the bird it was a bit windy but 2 cracking flights. But no catch O well.

  18. Not looking forward to the hawking season ending and I don't have a falcon to fly over the summer. Arse !!!

  19. Happy to be alive some tit just pulled out of a junction on a tight bend I was half way round ! Slid the car across road, opposite lock arse end out and back on to road. Must have been blind as the road I was on is straight and flat for about a mile. Fecker!!

  20. Uuuuuummmmmmmm beer! What would we do with out it ?

    1. Simoman


      Quite a lot lol, doubt i have more than 5 pints a year

    2. Lee C
    3. tomano1


      Fight with the wife it's or way of dealing with them and we deserve it for what we have to put up with lol

  21. If anyone on here wins the lotto I would like just enough cash to pay off the mortgage and live. Then I could spend all my time flying my bird and ferriting.

    1. Lee C
    2. craigyboy


      i won it last saturday mate,but a grand wont go far

    3. Lee C

      Lee C

      Good on ya !! Spend it well

      All the best


  22. Having a beer and takeaway indian should be here any second yum. Had good day out with bird and ferrets. Starving !!!

    1. craigyboy


      well deserved mate

    2. Lee C

      Lee C

      All scoffed down with more beer. Now to walk it off with the dog !!! Will sleep well tonight, but may have a bit of wind !!!


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