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Everything posted by smithie

  1. He is locked up in Romania.. don't really know who he is or what he does but I seen on a news feed he's been arested...
  2. smithie


    He seems to have done a lot with his life. You can't do all that and be on the p.c. 25/7
  3. I have turned nothing off. I just pay the bill. If it gets to were I can't afford I'll put a jumper on and turn the fire or heating down.. Just to add I did originally turn stuff down when the bills jumped up but I see no point in being uncomfortable if I don't need to .
  4. I just watched blot out doors tonight, daft sod was camping out side go out doors o Sunderland ? You know it makes sense mandingos
  5. I was looking to do 2 week in Orlando mid April with 4 days in New York after but I have to go to the embassy to get the the nod as I was refused an esta.. as much as I want to go I'm not jumping them hoops.. I'll go to brid lol..uù
  6. They can read this site at there leisure..
  7. Glad i don't longnet in Scotland as I don't have a clue how I would get that out of my net...
  8. Tiercel.. he ruled with a rod of iron..
  9. I think he believes in the existence. But some of them guests I'd not trust to give me the correct time
  10. I have welded cast fires that have cracked. I usually drill a hole each end of the crack to stop it spreading then heat with oxy bottles before mig welding.. You can buy cast rods but socks called it for me...
  11. Where I am most business are black owned.. harder to but from a white man
  12. I have some Meindl Tonale GTX Anthracite/Lemon and I really like them, probably not what you want but I like them so much I have already bought my next pair for when there burnt out.. Also have altberg combat of ebay, not as comfy but cheap,these might be better for working in
  13. You could try cutting cans in to small pieces and melting them in a cast iron pan or pot and melting over coal and wood. The ally has a lower melting point than cast..
  14. B+Q screw fix or ebay. Should not be hard to find.. 125mm+mortar+disc: Search Result | eBay WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Find great deals on eBay for 125mm+mortar+disc. Shop with confidence.
  15. Don't do many moles at all now but if i was it's a Duffus until I get a mole that doesn't want to play.. then out comes the talpax.
  16. I like the talpax as its backfilled before you walkway. Can't seem to fail as long as it's set in line.
  17. That can be worse than the hangover... I don't know how many times I was never drinking again..
  18. I don't have a clue myself but what I would do is place the guttering then fit roof to what looks good to me..
  19. Counting them on 1 hand lol.. I'd have spare fingers
  20. If your not happy with your work or pay get another job.... don't be crying and putting others out..
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