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dodgers mum

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About dodgers mum

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. thanks general Lee, i do like the Bedlington.Cheers.
  2. I decided to give this bitch a miss im gonna save more for a terrier pup.Dont know which breed yet.Gonna do some research.
  3. i do ratting at my sons stables with my staff he can be a tad slow,well not to good to be honesy,he,s ok when i digging them up or moving wood etc and he stands waiting.But more get away than caught.He hates the ferrets.Not very social with them.This wee bitch ive seen with the lads ferrets,he said getting rid cause he wasnts a Patterdale because she too stuborn at recall.I didnt see that as a problem today as she still a pup.
  4. Need some advice before i buy this bitch.Has anyone worked this cross breed.There is more staff in her than Russell i went to view her today she is just over a year.I own staffs and have trained one before to bush and hunt but it very seldom he can catch anything and if by chance he does get hold of a rabbit it no good for nothing but the ferret.i took this bitch out as he said he done bit of work with her.She didnt seem to keen but did have potential in right hands.So any advice on this cross would be welcome.thanks
  5. brill pics just started my young staff pup up at my lads stables.I,ll try get pics up soon.
  6. no my ex has the lurchers due to seperation 4 years ago.Couldnt bare to get another lurcher.So bought my self a staffordshire bull terrier and started traing him.Now have 3 but slowly thinking of getting a deerhound to join the family.
  7. Not been on for a very long time.Changed my dogs and ready to learn again.Hi
  8. got them here in Bolton Manchester.About month ago bringing my son home from work we saw two just comming out of a surrounding of small woods up the moors,very strange looking deer.
  9. i really need to get some road walking done with mine Had Gypsie Rose out and her feet were cut on some thrushes.Dodger has a few crazes on his pads but i think its down to me not road walking them enough.Now snow has gone i am going to make the most of it starting tomorrow.
  10. didnt explain it proper but thats women for you i need would give this dog a home to teach my lurcher pups to chase as no one else near me has lurchers,thats what i meant by bringing them on.lol
  11. interesting reading,if i was buying a certain dog for a specific game for 300 i think i would at least like to see it working with its owner even just the once.But i must addmit i really dont know what i am talking about as i am only a beginner,but me personally would have liked to see what the dog could do then i would know what i was against,example if the said dog didnt do what was stated of it off its owner i could think the matter over,could i train the dog further on to the way i wanted it,or the dog was truely complete shit and just tell the owner sorry [bANNED TEXT] its not the dog for
  12. there is nothing that can beat a good hare soup i grew up with it as a kid.I wouldnt say no to someone throwing a hare my way
  13. didnt know which one to pick,yes a silly woman,i do go out daily with the pups,with full intentions of catching something.I dont just sit and read about others conquests.I put in 100% when i am out,the heart is there but the rabbits aint.When the day comes when my dogs catch a rabbit thats the day i will say i have a working lurcher,and i am a hunter until then i will just keep trying,because i know that day will come and i will be the proudest woman there is to put up a pic on this site of my dogs with their first catch.
  14. no snow here in Bolton yet,but ground is very hard,pass couple of days i have been doing extra leash walks and running the dogs in the woods close by, the ground there aint too bad as its mostly pine.I cant stop doing it i need more exercise than my dogs.
  15. just signed it,i also thought it was stopped,pet shops and shops selling pups,bet most end up down the road at Battersea,s dog home after xmas.
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