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Everything posted by macmckeown01

  1. hello mate, do you decoy crows the same way as the doo's ?
  2. tried them out yesterday, pricked more than i nailed, so i'll exchange the rest for #6. was worth a go
  3. Yes but not in their hundreds not like pigeons cheers mate
  4. Anybody ever put crows & pigeons out at same time ?
  5. cheers lads i'll put the 30 quid to a stealth net
  6. hello lads, just been given a hundred 28g 70mm #7.5 carts for my 20g hushpower.they have picture of clays on box. would they still do the trick on the doo's. i know i have used 24g #7 before with not to much bother ?
  7. depending where you stay in the country depends on what you can shoot, check the BASC web site. greater black gulls can be shot in scotland this year, last year both the great & lesser black could be shot. changes all the time mate depending what the do gooders are up to
  8. hello all, anyone used the clearview hide nets from jack pyke ?
  9. yes and racers gone feral will also cheers mate, thot id ask before i bought some decoys, so whats best, fud's or shell tec ?
  10. hello all, will feral pidgeons come down to wood pidgeon decoys ?
  11. yeah mate, just got rid of one, unless u have deep pockets STAY well clear. £1800 for a new fuel pump for starters, £170 for colant sensor..........good if u can afford, only nissan can sort certain problems. beware
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