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Everything posted by Alli

  1. yes i agree with u. like i said u cant please everybody. ile keep em going in the rough russels. n ile put my tru black n tans in the cross breeds. at the end of the day its only a day out who cares [bANNED TEXT] people think. its only a bit of fun. its the working ability that concerns me the rest is a bonus. its ashame 5O% in the ring r just show dogs. wer av the proper shows gone. gone 4ever i think crufs as spread its wings. u cant dig to rossetts
  2. yes [bANNED TEXT] ther all mine the picture u asked about is a young dog called nipper i bred from my old white dog digger who is now 1Oyrs old n still likes to do a bit. i have 6 whites altogether. origionally from k gould lines glad u like the dog nipper has won a lot of championships wi him hope e keeps his looks haha
  3. Is that your dog in the 1st pic alli? If so its a stunner
  4. i no woy ur saying about crossbred clsss. i have done this n all u get is thay shud b in the rough russels class. u cant win. this is why thay shud b in a class 4 white lakies. then maybe the russell clan wud stop ther bleeting [bANNED TEXT] white lakies win in the rough russel class. and yes every terrier breed has forigien blood in ther somewhere
  5. u cud always buy a ferrit plumers ok 4 small virmin. 4 proper terrier work stay away thay only work in gangs. proper earth dogs work solertary.
  6. i own a few white white lakies.i work them hard during winter mths and started to show them in the summer,the question im asking is why when i put them in the rough russel class i hear the comments ;there not russels;.fair comments i know the breeding in mine and yes they are from lakeland blood ,so surely why dont show organizers have a class for white lakelands because most of the rough russels that i see at shows look to me like thers lakeland blood in them cos there a stronger dog altogether,so why dont your so called russel men be honest and admit the true blood in there dogs lines????
  7. any time young fella ime not 2 far away from u ur more than welcome. we need more young guns like u
  8. all terriers r different. ide say anytime after 12mths long as the dog is well set in the jaw n hes telling u hes ready to go. nise easy quik digs. always 1 dog to ground remember the laws. preban or not. good hunting my friend
  9. its taken years to get conformation [bANNED TEXT] on trriers working or not.true an undocked tail doesent efect workability. but it makes a terrier look wrong. its just another go at the hunting scene. my terriers are legaly docked. i work my terriers and also show in the summer mounths. thay will never stop the true working terriers or the shows not while we keep this brilliant field sport alive. as ime sure we will
  10. c u ther lads cuming from yorkshire with 1 or 2 russels.anyone know [bANNED TEXT] time judging starts
  11. how the black terrier bred,an were u from?

  12. im new to this site,had a good winter,how about you?

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