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Everything posted by Alli

  1. in a word, brilliant. i use them,
  2. if you can come across any of his older work blood line, there as good as any other working terrier, sorry to say theres only a hand full of guys who keep them, and close to there chest,
  3. dont know where you got that picture from, but the bitch is called bracken, shes about 2yr old there, i still have her now 10yr old. been a very good worker and producer of workers, thanks for the pictuer
  4. think you will find bluck is running this show, terriers anyways, at that goes for all heritage gamefair shows, from now on, i for sure will not go to any.
  5. Quite normal to feel that way when times are tough mate, I lost 20yrs of breeding in one day when 3 bitches were stolen and my bitch got run over,just dust yourself down and get back on the bike,most terrier men are made of stern stuff and are never down for long,sometimes takes a while to find decent stuff again but its out there,you just gotta find it, visit loads of shows and network with the genuine lads,not the show lads,Alli off here has some excellent russell types that work well,try him, I'm sure you'll feel different tomorrow,WM might be breeding a litter in the summer, if any sp
  6. i use the same, on the nail every time. cheap at that price
  7. yes hes a good book or two, the best in my opinion, the working jack russell terrier, not full of the usual self important shite.
  8. well said jeemes. been there done it and more. the old guy does right making a few pound in his retirement, theres still one or two people have his old working line in this country.
  9. ive dug a few with missing limbs and badly damaged limbs over the years, 99% of them was riffle damage, midnight cowboys.
  10. been f****d up years, along with lakies, borders, beddys, pats, the whole lot,
  11. i have a s by s aya 12 bore it is old,ish but in good nick. half and full choke, if intrested, steve
  12. you no how to work your terriers mudcat, shame theres not more out there like you, i always lift the terrier on breaking through, like you say the terrier has done his job,
  13. i have no time for the KC clubs ruination of most breeds they get there hands on, ive a couple of ugly little critters in my kennels, and some fine looking ones and the lookers do the same as ugly ones, otherwise they wouldent be there. one of my best workers won over 30 championships including the N.W.T. And yes i dont think the KC can give any benefits to workability of terriers, but it is nice to dig to a smart looking dog bred from worker to worker thats producing true and smart.
  14. so basically what most of you all saying, you got to have shite looking terriers, because smart ones wont work, what a load of shite
  15. not bothered as long as it gets a result, i use pieps. but i do like the old 15ft knocker box, think its the sound of the click ads to the enjoyment
  16. the fell n moorland ile give my support as always
  17. reason why selby finnished, great game fair/terrier/lurcher show, charging silly money for stall holders and gate price, greed
  18. was nice to meet you today and your daughter if only other shows could come close to this one 12 stalls plus caterers in attendance today, BIG WELL DONE TO ALL THE ORGANISERS FOR THEIR HARD WORK SHOWS LIKE THIS JUST DONT HAPPEN Y.I.S Leeview its my wife, lol
  19. as it says, did anyone from this site go to the j bluck show ? I didn't, for personal reasons.
  20. always try to support this show, good day out
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