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Everything posted by foresterj

  1. looks a little light in the blade for chopping/batonning etc, have you tried one?
  2. I did but I was bemused by the ambiguity of it lol!
  3. Price isn't always the best indicator of quality though, theres plenty massed produced branded stuff out there thats double the price of a custom job and half as good.
  4. http://www.bladesandbows.co.uk/ Quite a lot of stuff on here too bud.
  5. like the one I just put on?
  6. can't praise this tool enough for the price. Three years on good as new and tremendous scope to customise if thats your thing.
  7. shes coming on well bud, better than your photography skills ! Lol
  8. Oh hell, mounted on a coloured pony and a recent scalping, any Apache blood in you Jimmy?
  9. thats what he's getting at bud, 5 posts then advertising etc etc. The sale of dogs on here is somewhat akin to the village stocks, put your ad up and take cover. It may help your cause to do yourself a bit of an intro and add some pictures maybe. Annyway, all the best with the sale.
  10. That was exactly my line of thinking folks but the depth of ignorance I encountered was quite staggering, including "rescuers" advocating breeding jills to get them out of season. FB's a scary place, don't think I'll bother going back.
  11. Off the back of some FB nonsense, how many of you believe thst if hou don line a Jill it WILL die?
  12. I'll have her if shes no good to you bud. Serious though, its a baby, worry in 6 month.
  13. What a battle! Broken ribs, broken cheekbones knockdowns, hell or a fight! Travis is a dogman too I believe.
  14. have to love genetics, who'd think a Wheaten or Bull would cross better than a Lakie.Saw a pic of a LakiexWhip once that me pal bred an it LOOKED fantastic
  15. Ruby theres a rake o jobs on SGA Website bud
  16. Didn't mean to mate but it's some horrible shit an for £70
  17. ANYTHING indoors. Bar Managing. Bouncer(before Door Supervisors were heard of!)
  18. there was only fiberglass insulation, lath and plaster up there mate...... Thank feck for that bud.
  19. Hope it had a recent Asbestos Survey Clipo
  20. Second pic "auld flat foot" seems to be from a arse p c a website?!?
  21. Same person I been drinking with for last 30 year. Me.
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