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Everything posted by foresterj

  1. Smart looking things , parents and pups
  2. Be plenty everywhere when theres money waiting
  3. Nope, still doesn't explain how you know this to be anything other than opinion and generalisation.
  4. How do you know? Is it that EVERYONE breeding Collie Greyhound crosses contacts you to let you know and if they do how do you then go about verifying they're genuine or not? Just curious.
  5. Game? Way of Life. Fiscal never has nor will enter into it.
  6. you didn't say how many of his Borderx Beardies you've had?
  7. Pmsl, a whole Bedpoo x thread without you bud, I had to post something to get ya on lol
  8. Yapping, surely the least of the clichés you need to worry about. It will probably die of hypothermia due to it's linty coat whilst ignoring your commands as it follows it's nose over the horizon on a scent, best ask Northernlite. Get yourself a good Colliexgreyhound instead.
  9. As an aside I have it from a reliable source that the "Land Rover of Lurchers", descriptive alliteration that it is, is actually paraphrased from a Rabbitting video called Coneycatcher3, used at that time to describe ACDxGHD. Hope this wreckless quotation use has not breached copyright of the film makers. . .
  10. http://ruffntuffclothing.co.uk/ruffntuffclothing.co.uk/carhartt-clearance-sale Norfolk Stockists of Haix Boots
  11. There certainly does seem to be more kak talked about pastoral crosses than any other type.
  12. I'll keep it brief Brian as the thread is about Mr. Hancocks stock, not Beardie vs Border. 4 years or 400 years of course you're entitled to your opinion, the length of time you've been around Dogs does not however lend any more authority to that opinion, I've been driving 30 year, doesn't make me Lewis Hamilton. There are still plenty working Beardie about, clearly not in the hills of Cumbria as you assure us, I do not intend to get embroiled in a pointless discussion on the merits of one type over the other. However despite my kennel blindness I certainly wouldn't dream of writing off an ent
  13. quote name="Grunter123" post="3797983" timestamp="1417040992"]Is he any good on teeth Aye, mint
  14. http://www.gboutfitters.co.uk/footwear-c2?page=2 any way of finding out what the prices are?delivery etc.it took a few weeks to get these boots,and they are a bit slow getting back to you but you've got to e-mail them. We'll made boots an capable of taking graft off a spade.
  15. I'll take me wastes of time out and shoot em now then eh? Could you possibly publish the results of your extensive survey into the working stock dogs of the British Isles, I'm assuming that you have conducted such a survey in order for you to make such sweeping generalisations?
  16. just had a look at them they look the business Compare really well on price against others and carry a 2 year guarantee
  17. http://www.countrycovers.co.uk/ very good and a 4 year guarantee.
  18. Smashing clip, thats what its all about for me. Tomo's face said it all.
  19. How much control do you lads have over your dogs during these hunts?
  20. She hasn't left the house Yup, that's what NL said!
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