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Everything posted by foresterj

  1. the pursuit of excellence is seldom straight forward,worker to worker is a good recipe but who is to say what 's a lamp dog aint a day dog,that may be dictated by availability of work?'hybrid vigour' reduces every generation away from the f1.
  2. uplands longdog and lurcher club,stanley area
  3. i done reasearch and alot of time reading and writing things i need to know , but sometime this forus give you a bit piece of mind really!!!???!!!(just joshing)
  4. ya welcome kidda,posted with full veracity and integrity.
  5. johnny 2 it aint a dig at the boy as such,more at the posts in the vain of 'got a dog its gone wrong,now what should i do'.stable doors and horses if you know what i mean.just feel if a bit research was done before purchase?
  6. subtle as a brick me Moll.lots will work at the heel,few can work the front end effectively.impressed me enough to make me type!rare.game INTELLIGENT and sharp,splendid mutt.any working dog mush should feel privileged to see a dog work beast.if she'd been a kelpie they'd have been praising her!shame it wasnt a video
  7. Cos technically she is a lurcher And cattle dogs are used in lurchers...again perhaps a bit too subtle! lil bitch was dealing with her beast with alacrity.
  8. surely you would find this out before you inflicted yourself on a pup?
  9. clearly from her 3562 earlier posts Moll has very limited experience of both livestock and dogs and thought she would risk her unstockbroken dogs life for a photo opportunity,fortunately for her and her lucky inexperienced mutt your here to point out the error of her ways.
  10. whens this show?ullc show.normally this month?
  11. so is a hard days graft.
  12. 110% at everything she does,other than having pups what does she do?how old are the sire and dam?sires bloodlines?and is he outstanding also ?
  13. almost if not all wild/feral canids have prick ears and they seem to struggle by catching bits and bobs
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