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Everything posted by foresterj

  1. Photobucket app copy img code then paste into reply box on here.
  2. +1 Always liked the look of this dog mate, a lovely type. Cheers bud
  3. Got one, electric, dont like it, results aint as good or quick as roadwork an freerunning
  4. Yeah! I would never buy a pup without seeing if the parents could both turn door handles first.ffs bonny lad he posted about 2 pages ago that the parents wer both good workers, give it a rest and focus on your music as your last album was SIMPLY dREDful ginge!
  5. Hunting down machine gun toting leprechauns according to MI6
  6. Why would you pick a username like that? Just curious.
  7. Some say he's a fox dressed as a man!! And on that bombshell. . . .
  8. Wahey! I can sell me magnifying glass now, pup shootin up
  9. Nee wonder it's knackered, how many o them does it smoke a day??????
  10. How did you envisage the answers to your question balancing out in the LURCHER AND SIGHTHOUND section?
  11. JB she was only 22tts, never actually thought of her as small though
  12. Meg1, collie whippet greyhound, more rabbit sense than anything else I've ever had and LOVED the job, wish this one had lasted forever.grand little bitch.
  13. Darren Morris.training and racing the greyhound
  14. How much???? Makes Midnights custom stuff seem really inexpensive.
  15. Admitting to being a beginner, first timer and knowing very little, smashing.that being the case, what would posess you to post advice on a stock breaking thread? If you'd tried asking instead of telling I've no doubt your detractors would've been among the first to offer their help.if your dog didnt come to you until it was 6mth that wouldnt preclude it from having seen stock with its previous owner, also not having had it from a pup you seem remarkably sure of the breeding? Not that the breeds in the mix are even relevant to stock breaking.what seems more likely is your evident lack of confi
  16. Cross with a black greyhound to ensure real thick skinned pups
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