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Everything posted by foresterj

  1. https://picasaweb.google.com/106372857873503584057/Pix?authkey=Gv1sRgCO23s8f3svu0dw
  2. Sickening, what goes through the heads of these individuals??? Not only themselves but those around them that have seen the state of these animals? You are NOT Stockmen, you are NOT Dogmen, leave this working dog world to those who love it and belong in it, using these animals as some type of badge or statement to boost your psyche is WRONG.I like to think ive calmed and mellowed with age but I could merrily slap these people til my fekkin hand fell off!
  3. Cracking write up, love the pebble trick, glad your perseverance has paid off and hope you both go from strength to strength.
  4. The longer I have mine the less I like it, bloody thing.emperors new clothes it is, mk1 all the way Gaz.
  5. Buck alpha dorado.cracking little tool.
  6. I would've walked from durham to cambridge for one of these, indeed since seeing the ad I've talked myself in and out of one about 20 times a day. Being honest with myself though I know I couldn't do a pup justice and guarantee one of these little heroes the volume of work it would need to prove itself, already having two to run . I do envy the individuals that are fortunate to be in a position to take one.not only are they excellent willing workers they are fantastic companions and I hope they get the homes they deserve, best of luck to any lucky bugger that gets one, atb.
  7. no, too posh for us those ones lol The back-breaker 92 !!.....popular back in the day them. Like that dog of yours fair play, real nice type.........few dogs on this thread of similar type along with yours that have really caught my eye. Aye and the old 92 is ten years younger than the spade!!haha, thanks very much for the comments on the Wookie mate me an her geg along famously and shes making a handy rabbiter, mustn't grumble.
  8. no, too posh for us those ones lol The back-breaker 92 !!.....popular back in the day them. Like that dog of yours fair play, real nice type.........few dogs on this thread of similar type along with yours that have really caught my eye.
  9. no, too posh for us those ones lol
  10. I used to have one of these, scorpion with a stock, was far too small for me bit of a novelty really.
  11. Hormones bud, stroppy teenager type thing, hopefully a phase just patience.
  12. Asda thanks for that! I never realised it would be that simple, I feel daft now lol but I never go shopping the wife does it for me, so ive more time to get the dogs out you see.so is that in any branch or should I keep an eye out for one with one of those buy one get two things, you know a BOGOFF DEAL.
  13. Where/how would you go about sourcing quality flesh like that?
  14. 27.3926 in tts and 72in long, do I win anything if im right?
  15. Check it for tattoos bud, if its a DH bred animal he'll be able to trace it, unless its changed hands of course.
  16. classic mate, brought a tear to me eye! Lol
  17. Buggered if I know, just reportin it as I seen it, not a kc looking thing and too leggy for their pack apparently.
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