Which element of a field trial would require a 6mth old pup to not to move off a blind stay whilst being set upon by 4 large dogs? Just curious.Do lurcher field trials still take place, again curious and whilst im no Lawyer im fairly sure he could get time if caught entering his wifes whippet!
Have a look through the rabbiting dogs thread bud, all shapes sizes and crosses, no such thing as a "best cross",too many variables.style of hunting, type of land you have and the type of temperament you can live with etc etc
Think I would've lied and said they were Rotties! Just sounds better than being set upon by . . . Poodles lol.Joking aside good when the training pays off.
Black and white bitch is first cross black one is her daughter to a 2nd cross sire.bitch is 12 in most of these pics, I like thema lot but they certainly dont suit everyone.shes been a good honest bitch, ran rabbits on lots of different ground and always tried.bit senile now and farts a lot.the bitch too lol.