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Everything posted by foresterj

  1. terribly sorry, Open forum, best to specify.
  2. I fear you've totally missed me point , I neither need or want to.
  3. Raider .22 10 shot shrouded barrel in the same condition.
  4. Luddite, excellent! !, advantageous or not I'm old enough and grumpy enough to totally disregard its benefits just because I don't care for change, professionals or those at risk of losing permission etc use everything at your disposal.Me my myopathy and me clulite will just bumble along like the Luddite I most certainly am. Progress bah! Mind I bet its invaluable for getting the dog back if you run Saluki x's, least you can watch them ignore you in the dark.lol.
  5. What's HIS name then???? Cheers Tomo just choked on me beer! Pmsl
  6. Have you tried doing a search on here Michael? The subject is fairly well covered and some of the recent posts by Casso on the subject have been excellent.A quick answer is eliminate the pups options, do your retrieve in an enclosed area such as a hallway or alley, sit down legs apart and chuck your whatever a couple of feet, the pup almost having to come into you as your legs are forming a funnel. Do not take thewhatever straight off it, praise first then gently take it, only a couple of times though dont over cook it, plenty time playing happy families making a fool of yourself, no room for
  7. Good to read about a dog/bitch exceeding its stereotype and to show what they can achieve in the hand's of a dogman, I find it a little troubling that animals get judged by word of mouth, those mouths often the mouths of babes who have little or no knowledge of how to get the best from an animal or even the interest in trying, spoil it, swap it and claim its breeding to be of whatever name they've heard or seen to try and wring an extra 20 quid out of it.
  8. The "scent" gland as far as I remember are located in pretty much the same place as a dogs anal glands , this is what they are basically, anal glands.Other scent releasing glands are sebaceous glands in the skin.
  9. Mike Brown is a well known breeder of working type K.C Whippets and has his own website I think.
  10. Drainage, be a priority on my next improvements.
  11. Just that old, the bairn says she wants one of the dead spuggies for her bedroom, strange child.
  12. that would make the dog 20+year old, reckon its not the same dog.
  13. Are the offspring of these studs turning out canny?
  14. Fair play to you bud, end of the day I'm not particularly concerned with what he chooses , mention the dog and its down to the lad to do the research and decide if its worth using on his bitch or not.i dunno you try to be helpful. . .
  15. and? Is it not collie BASED? That was the request was it not?
  16. http://www.decathlon.co.uk/inverness-300-hunting-chaps-id_8281309.html thats the ones bud.
  17. Tomo there's some belters on the Decathlon website at the minute, they look as tough as , as, err really tough wax chap type over trousers. Which ones you looking at on Decathlon?the wax ones 39 quid with their own belt
  18. bit fekkin strong that mind! Its nowt like me, I've got bigger feet
  19. If it was you mate I can honestly say you can handle/train a dog I was the person running the obedience that day were you took first place if I remember. You really impressed me and when you said that about your acd cross I never doubted you. As for being handsome as ugly as a sea pig Aw shucks , you're very kind,im gonna go and google a Sea Pig before I say owt else!
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