vision attack fly rod brand new never been out ov the tube still got the plastic on the cork handle its a 10 ft 8 weight rod burgandy £50 plus p and p
vision attack fly rod 10 ft 8 weight brand new never been out ov the tube burgandy colour £70 will post at buyers expence also matt hayes fly rod 9ft 7 weight used 4 times £40 will post at buyers expence.
vision attack fly rod brand new never been out of the tube its a 10 ft 8 weight burgandy in colour £70 will post at buyers expence. matt hayes fly rod used twice it is a 9ft 7 weight rod £40 also will post at buyers expence.
free 2 good home 6 month old whippet pup black in colour no paperwork only leaving the pup go as the owner is heavilly pregnant and cant cope as the pup is a bit lively rhondda south wales area tel 07800 916 310