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Everything posted by UphillDoc

  1. Bear-Most bears will tree, but occasionally one will stay on the ground...sometimes it works out better for the bear, and sometimes better for the dogs. Cocker-Hoss is 1/4 Bull, 3/4 Stag. 85lbs Take care.
  2. Thanks fellas. Those dogs are all bullstags. They range from 1/2 -1/8 bull. I expect my dogs to catch and dispatch coyotes. The 1/2 cross "Grace" was not fast enough to catch most coyotes, but I used her as an all arounder, not just as a typical coyote dog. She caught everything from hares to bears, and is the mother or grandmother of the rest the dogs. All her littermates were used as hog dogs. Take care.
  3. Any American lurcher/longdog owners here? How do you use them? Lets see some pics. Take care.
  4. Stuntman-Wont be long now!!! Take care.
  5. Stuntman-Runnin dogs and walkin horses...a match made in heaven! Take care.
  6. Dont let em get out of shape...take em huntin! Take care.
  7. Tim-Your exactly the type fella I knew would speak up for Mosby...LMFAO Im not sure what ya ment by jack of all trades, but I have mastered the art of spotting a bullshitter...and you are top notch. I wouldnt spend the time to walk across the street to whip you, let alone across the country. If ya feel strong, Im easy to find. How about I take it out on Mosby and next time you guys are together complaining about how your manginas are hurting, he can take it out on you big boy... Im sure you could comfort each other, and remind yourselfs while folks who actually hunt, think your culls, your
  8. Edwards-I first met you on the www, same as Mosby ...did I treat you unfair, or try to tell you how you should do things? Take care.
  9. Mosby-Your changing your tune. A couple of days ago I was someone you had never heard a bad word about, and someone you wanted to meet...now that I call BS on YOU and Im a bully, unfair, a plague etc... Trying to promote myself? For what? LOL YOU are the one that is name dropping and coat tailing. Folks call/pm me out of the blue and say that they talked to you and YOU said "we are friends" and that you "keep Stevens/Copper dogs" and we both know that BS. I also read it over and over and have grown tired of it. I dont need to use someones elses name to appear as if I know/have done somethin
  10. Mosby-The first thing that comes to mind after reading your post is..."what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. " You will be hearing from me soon...of that you can be sure... Take care.
  11. Lookin good...I should have taken one... Take care.
  12. Stuntman-Of course...all great dawgmen know each other! Do you want me to give him a message next time he calls..Lmao Take care.
  13. Dan-That Big John pup is still as purty as they get, to my eyes. Im lookin forward to seein that set on some coyotes this winter! Took the Lazer x Speedy pups out lamping jacks and they got right after it...the Stitch x Gizzy pup of Jose' has it figured out. We should have some decent young dogs this winter, and with the Lazer x T pups right behind them Im gettin antsy for snow already... Take care.
  14. Dan-Glad he made it OK. He is a nice one, and I think you will like what he can do. It dont matter if he lives a week or a decade...as long as he is gettin used! Take care.
  15. STUNT-Cull them yella ones, and save the ring necked one for yourself. Probably going bear hunting in the mornin (the Uphill Boys are here), if you want to go. Take care.
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