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Everything posted by UphillDoc

  1. WBT-Im sure when he says "curs" he means non game/quitters not cur as in a breed. A bulldoggers term. A big hog can do things to a dog a coyote or fox cant, but dont get too carried away...with all the protective gear, and the amount of dogs piling on, the danger is minimal. Alot of hog hunters I know catch dogs are rejects from bulldog men, and dog pounds. I would wager a bet that "hog dogs" make up the widest variety of breeds, and crosses of any hunting dogs...and some of those arent even considered hunting dogs by alot of folks. It doesnt take anything special to catch some hogs, especial
  2. jawn-I think a Jagd x Drahthaar could be everything most modern day Airedales wish they were. Take care.
  3. I kind of figured that after I did some post researching, lol. No worries here. I can dish it right back ;-p For every couple 'gum flappers' around, I have met and conversated with at least a good handfull of really great dog folks that I am glad to have met! Funny you mention the Airdales....I just saw an ad in Bayed Solid from a fella in Georgia advertising some off of working hog dog stock! WBT-Now thats the spirit. The WWW is perfect for sorting thru alot of folks to find the ones you would really want to deal with. I have met some real crackers and some real dip shits on th
  4. Mosby-Are your lil feelers still hurt? Geez, I woulda thought you were over it by now. I guess I have to tell you again "You will have to toughen up, smarten up, or give up" If you hate the way I operate so much, how come you keep ending up in the middle of it? Which one of my questions was bullshit? If any hunters dont post because of me, they must not be much to start with, IMO. If I have prevented a few bullshitters from posting their theories, lies, sales pitches etc...or kept a few name droppers and book regurgitators from posting, well that suits me fine. The WWW is already full
  5. THAT right there is why I was talking of getting them back to the straighter profiles......when their noses/nostrils are curved DOWNward, they get completely blocked off when they are in hold, making them mouth breathe, which can shorten the time they can stay in hold without turning purple lol. With the straighter profile, their noses/nostrils are not completely blocked off..... WTB-In your expierience, how extreme does the EBT curve have to be to impair its breathing? Have the undershot dogs been better for catching, since their noses are farther away when they bite? Take care.
  6. Barney...all kidding aside, its great to see your gettin the youngins involved! Take care.
  7. WBT-I take it all back...your the exception to the rule...easy on the eyes and hunts like a pro! We should become better aquainted, combine our EBT blood, and we will rule the hunting world! Take care.
  8. jawn-Its BECAUSE we are adults that we should be able to make a statement/ask a question, without dancing around or suger coating. If you reread my first post to her you will see I was giving her advice on how to keep folks from questioning her. It was other folks who were the ones questioning. In every post I have said I dont know if she does or doesnt hunt, but she gives the impression that she is just another pretender. I actually have an EBT that I want to see worked...whats your stake in the conversation? Are you looking to add some to your Jagds? You call me an Ass and the internet poli
  9. WBT-What ever you have to do to make yourself comfortable. I really do hope your EBTs work out great, the breed could use some real workers. Take care.
  10. jawn-Your post about the sad shape of my EBT was about looks...I had complimented another dog saying thats what they should all look like, and you asked then why did mine look like it just came from Thanksgiving dinner. I asked if all yours looked like your best. I should have worded it better, but the implication was ment to be, do all your dogs look like the one you like the looks of best. You follow? I must come off as a real ass, cause I get called it alot...LOL I dont care what others do, but I do get a laugh at some of the stuff that folks post, and try to convince themselves and other
  11. WBT-You keep tryin to convince folks you hunt, but post pics of "canned" stuff, as well as bulldogs and terriers that look as if they never had a tooth in them. I know folks that hunt in the swamps, bogs, and marshes from East Texas to Georgia and they all have pics. By the looks of that bitches nails I would guess she hadnt been "hunting" in a while. I dont know if you do or dont, but your not making the best case for yourself if you want others to believe you do. Take care.
  12. jawn-I made the post to her after she made the post complaining about folks not believeing her, without pics. I had seen the pig/pup picture and said "Im hoping to see lots of pics of your EBTs working, just to know that there are still some actually being used" If your gonna get on the WWW you will find folks who agree 100% and those who disagree 100% with whatever you have to say...if you dont have thick skin it may not be the place for you. If you have something to hide, folks will notice and will ask questions. Sometimes the problem with the WWW is you cant hear how the questions are bein
  13. gnasher-You quoted my post, but I wasnt hunting pigs, so not sure if its ment for me or the pic that WBT posted of her pup on a piglet. In my case, I had my EBT along in the truck when my bullstags caught a coyote. I let her go have a look and she waded right in. I didnt know if she would or wouldnt, as it was the first one she had ever seen. I wasnt worried about her getting hurt badly as there were two big males on the coyote. I know plenty about getting dogs in shape, but Im not gonna put an 8 mo old gyp in a keep, just so she looks the part LOL Im not expecting the EBT gyp to set the wo
  14. jawn-Beat me to what? Who said she could run at all? The state of the modern EBT is pitiful, so its nice to see ones that at least LOOK like they should...now if they WORK like they should, ya got something, but most dont/wont work them. Mine is just a pup, she will be in good shape by seasons end, if she is worth keeping. Do all your Jagds look like your best one? Take care.
  15. hogdog-That Rubislaw is what all EBT should look like! Take care.
  16. Its true that no pictures doesnt mean you dont hunt, but it sure helps folks get a better idea of what your talking about. We live in the USA where we have the ability to hunt in ways many folks on here can not. They enjoy our pics, and since its all legal....why not post some? Im hoping to see lots of pics of your EBTs working, just to know that there are still some actually being used. Way too often folks on the WWW do most their hunting on the computer, and in their imaginations...so you can understand folks being a little skeptical. If your gonna get on the WWW you better have thick skin,
  17. Yes...she is the little brindle dog with the red collar in the photos. Take care.
  18. Here is a pic of my Bull Terrier gyp on the first coyote she has ever seen. 8 months old.
  19. Casey-Dont take him hunting again until his recall is flawless in the yard, and then in the park (somewhere with distractions) Start with a check cord, and move to a hot collar...when he realizes "come" is not negotiable he will be ready to take hunting again. Goodluck. Take care.
  20. Did you find what you were looking for? Take care.
  21. Search "American Lurcher" or "coyote" thread on here. Take care.
  22. would you say that if you outcross, ie 50% your line. Then breed that outcross back to your line, then the offspring becomes the line again? Not arguing, just asking. Yes, I would consider that a continuation of the "line" since you bred back to the originals. Take care.
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