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Everything posted by UphillDoc

  1. I found a couple of my hunt write ups from last year. Dont think I ever posted them here, if so, I hope you will forgive me. This is a different style of coyote hunting with running dogs. Not as productive, but lots of fun. #1) Yesterday I load "Grace" (bullstag) and "Gus" (stagxhound 8mo)to go coyote calling in the morning. Its a perfect morning and Im ready. On the way to the spot I want to try calling the dogs jump a jackrabbit and have a nice warm up. It was in tall sage so it was never in any real trouble, but it gets our blood up. I pick a big sage to sit against. The set up is perfe
  2. Buch-Seasons vary from region to region. Here Bears Apr-Oct, Lions Nov-Apr, and Coyotes year round. We dont have boar here, but my understanding is they are a pest in most places and treated as such. Some bears will run all day and leave dogs in their wake. Others will walk and fight, and some will just pop up a tree. Alot depends on how much pressure the dogs put on it. Generally, an hour or two is what we would expect on a good bear race. A lion does not have much wind, so once it is a jumped race they usually get treed quickly after that. The rub is getting them jumped, as they travel a lon
  3. Dan-I always say "You never feel quite as alive, as when your about to die!!!" Take care.
  4. Buch-Sometimes bear and lion hunting is predator control, but we mostly do it just for fun. Dog or stock killers get a bullet, the rest we just tree, take a few pics and move on. Few dogs will really move in and grab a lion/bear, and fewer still will live thru it many times. Ive had a few dogs that would, but the greatest majority bay, and thats how most houndsmen want it. Sometimes we climb into the tree with the bears, and have even taken some pics from above the bear in the tree... Edwards came out and bear hunted with us, and climbed up to have a closer look at one himself. I have been
  5. Here is the story on the bear in the cave pics. I will try to find the bear in the tree story to. The Lion pic is one a friend caught with some curs I bred. The yellow female biting the bear is my bullstag "Grace" Friday-B.W., the Cowboy, his son Newt, and I head up to a new spot on the quads. We rig around for about and hour and B.W spots a track in the mud. The dogs dont strike it, but he puts down his good Walker dog "Rokon" to see if he can get it going. "Rokon" is working hard and seems to be making some progress but its COLD. B.W. sends "Domino" and "Ivory" to help and I send "Grace"
  6. Buch-Lion season is just starting. I had hunts from the past written up, but dont know if they exist anymore. I will send Dan some pics to post of Lions and Bears. The lion is more capable of killing your dog, but easier for dogs to catch most the time than a coyote. I did have a bullstag female that caught everything from hares to bears,(she was MY ultimate dog) but usually the scent hounds (Plotts, Walkers) and Curs are what I use on "big game". Take care.
  7. lurchergrrl-The hides are still in good enough conditions to skin them, on most. Alot depends on how many dogs and how long they are on the Coyote. A Coyotes hide is more like a Badgers than a Foxs in how hard it is to damage. Buch-Hunting coyotes with dogs is not nearly as commen as with rifles, but folks use both scent and sight hounds on Coyotes. Dogs are used on about every animal we have in the USA. I also hunt Bear, Mtn Lion, Bobcat, Badger, Fox, Coon, Rabbits/Hares with dogs... I have hunted other animals with dogs, but not enough to mention... Take care.
  8. Edwards-You trouble maker... lurchergrrl-We do dress like that...and if you look in the tailgate pic I have a toothpick in my mouth... Sometimes we switch the ball caps for cowboy hats, and the flannel for Carhart... buch-I have no idea how to submit anything to EDRD, but anyones welcome to put any of my write ups in it, if they think folks would like to read them. Take care.
  9. Saturday, I traveled 3 hours each way in a snow storm to see my oldest daughter compete with her dance team. They had three different dances. They won 2 and got second on the third. I was real proud of her, as she takes it as seriously as any sport. Gets to school at 5:30am to practice, teaches little girls at the studio after school, and then has her own classes til 8:30pm. So making the trip or not wasnt a tough decision. I did eyeball the new snow the whole way and wonder how easy it would have been to spot coyotes though... Sunday, The new snow is all gone, but I head out, and find one n
  10. Christ fellas...I wrote the story behind those pics a few days ago, and had one response, the pics get posted and its 14+ pages...I guess a picture IS worth a thousand words... 1 response or 1,000 dont matter much I guess...I will be out doing the same thing in a day or two, and maybe I will even post some more pics... Take care.
  11. this country is full of pussys and wana be hunters when it comes down to it ,they dont belive in standing up for what you want to do ,most are to frightend to let on they dont give a shit .they just sit back and take what ever is said to them from the powers to be .that is why they are now only chasing rabbits and rats with inferiour dogs . UNFIT-This country has its share of those to, but for the most part folks are happy to stand up and declare they are hunters, even in a crowded room of Antis! I get a laugh when folks from the UK come here to hunt and cant believe how bold we are abo
  12. I sure didnt think those pics would cause a stir... If the moderators see fit to remove them then thats their business, but I will say I think caving to Antis or those that fear what they will think, is the wrong thing to do. I dont make any of my decisions based on what those who disagree with me think about them... If your ashamed of what your doing...quit doing it! The tired old argument that the Antis will use such pics against us is a joke...do you really believe they dont have a lifetimes worth of pics to choose from already? Exactly what type of hunting pictures do you think the Antis
  13. stevemac-Thanks, glad you liked it. Heres another from this morning. Went out and caught one this morning to put the cherry on the sundae/Sunday... Woke up this morning to a cold clear morning and decided I better go get the dogs loaded before they forget what they are here for. "Reba and T" are both still packing a leg from gettin bit, so they stay home. The rest may be sore, but they knew it was tough going when they signed on, so they load... My boy "Ty" jumps in and we are off to find one. Go hit a field but dont find anybody home. On our way to another I spot one way out in an alf
  14. Well the circus was in town yesterday...Idaho Steve and Capps on my porch at first light for a bit of coyote running. Ol Steve shows up right on time, bright eyed and high steppin, not sure if he OD on the Geritol or the Viagra but he is ready to rock. We head out in two rigs and as we get to the first spot. I send Capps to a parellel road. Steve and I are about 3/4 thru the section when I spot a pair out in a winter wheat field. I had just finished telling Steve I wanted to drop his side first if possible, as that set has been missing out on races for one reason or another the last week. As
  15. Got to spend a day in the hills with my wife and two daughters. Got out early and spotted a buck. We had just started our stalk when two quads came over the ridge the buck was moving up, and spooked him out of the bowl. Girls dont seemed fazed, they are ready to go find another. We spot several groups of does, but cant find a buck with any of them. Im starting to worry they will get discouraged, but they suggest we move over to the backside of the drainage and have a look. We are coming down a long finger when my youngest "Hanna" spots some deer in the bottom, moving thru the willows, and says
  16. ratkilla-Well I probably start mine sooner than most... I start hauling mine at about 7mo, and let them decide when they want to get into the action. The Grace x Zorro pups hit the very first coyote they ever saw, and have not stopped. "H" was still alive a few weeks ago when I was there, his age is showing now. The old female is still there as well. The pics are "Reba" (red female lower on throat) "K" (white female) and "Hoss" (red dog pup on throat) Take care.
  17. ratkilla-The pups have been on 23 coyotes (combined) now, they turned 9 mo today... I call mine "Hoss" and "T" They only fight the sharp end, and Im very happy with them so far... Th "K" gyp is only 14mo and about 50lbs, she is double bred on the "H" dog. "John and Reba" are both out of "H" as well. You may have seen "John" and "Reba" go in WY. "John" is a Big blue deerhoundy looking dog. "Reba" was the only red female at Johns place. Dan-As soon as I download the pics from Sunday I will send them for you to post. Take care.
  18. Thanks fellas, glad you enjoyed it. whin-I have had to knock a lion off a bush to the dogs before, but never a coyote, bet that was a sight... Take care.
  19. Got up this morning to some frost on the ground and had to load the dogs... Just pulling out of the driveway and Capps texts me and says he has two in the truck already. Im wondering if I should have went hunting right when I woke up, rather than waiting on coffee and eggs. I had specific instructions from the Cowboy last night, to call him if I went out in the morning. (We went last week and caught 4, so he is rarin to go.) I call and he says he cant go. I ask why, and he says his wifes housedog is in heat, and one of the cowdogs tried to jump thru the big front window of his house to get
  20. Badger-You know what it takes to make a proper bull x. You bred the best dog (Grace) I have ever owned, and her offspring are showing the same kind of brains and abilities she had. The three pups I kept off her (3/4 Stag 1/4 Bull) all waded right in on the very first coyote they ever seen. They dont think much of badger either...LOL ratkilla-The 1/2 cross I had from "Badger" caught everything from hares to bears...literally...LOL but was missing a gear to be considered a top coyote/hare dog. I bred her back to a stag before she died, and the pups are just now 8mo old. I believe they will h
  21. My question isnt so much are colliex any good, but rather are the collies, (that are being used for crosses), soft dogs themselves? Do you have collies more suited for working cattle than sheep? Take care.
  22. I notice when folks from the UK talk of colliex dogs its almost a given they will be soft. Are most your pure collies soft dogs? Here we have "sheep bred" and "cow bred" collies. The "sheep bred" dogs have a ton of eye and dont use their mouth much. The "cow bred" collies are much harder dogs, with less eye. Some have had Bull, Kelpie, Heeler etc...added at some point, but aside from working style are hard to tell apart from a "sheep bred" collie. I think a "cow bred" type colliex would make a dog plenty hard for fox, and anything else they might encounter over there. I wouldnt be afraid to us
  23. Fellas, dont worry about Ol STUNTMAN, he and Dan are brothers from another mother. That stag is built right, the ones that arent dont last long as they either cant catch coyotes or break themselves up running in the hard ground. I have had folks ask about sending stags to the UK, and have no idea what it would take. Perhaps others who have brought dogs there can speak on the issue. Most stags are gifted from hunter to hunter, so the cost of a pup would be minimal at best. Coyotes are everywhere and the population grows every year. There are folks here that are employed by the govt (mo
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