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biglee 1

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Everything posted by biglee 1

  1. is it frowend apon to work a patterdale with a full tail from gd working parents ? opinions
  2. hi guys iam new to the terriers ive got a wee pat at 7month hes really friendly hes from worker to worker sire an dam were real hardy dugs will he take to ratting easily or will i have to coax him ive got a live trap how wud i got about gettin him revved up for it and do dogs need a special jags for rats or what lol any help wud b great
  3. dus he have a web site i cant seem tae find him
  4. hi guys gettin ma 7month pat pup a coller an leash whats the best type u guys use ? iam using a slip leash at the moment but i like the leather whipt type u guys use any help mush appreciated .
  5. [alrite mate i suggest chudleys brilllant food and exellent value for money at under 20 quid for a 15kg bag all the pros use it aswell lol as for it being too rich for him his body would be used to the richness if hes bin on it for months i took my ess pup off the puppy food at 5months and shes a healthy wee 1 year old it didnt faze her at all i dont think they need puppy food i have a patterdale pup thats neva had puppy food all he gets is the same as my 2 ess and hes alert and playful my eldest ess bitch was a mega shtter till i put her on the chudleys after trying all sorts she would shit
  6. iam building a good sized kennel and run for my two springers 1 is a year an 1 is 2yers will they adapt to living outside theve been in the house in cages since 8 weeks am i [bANNED TEXT] in thinking thell be ok and adapt to it no bother as long as there warm enuff?
  7. hi guys iam considering putting my 2year old springer bitch to a nice springer at my shoot iam jus looking for info on when she cums into season when in that season do i put the dog to her also the cost of a litter dus it cost an arm an leg to have a littter ? as this will b my first breeding any info on the subject would b grate cheers .
  8. nice mate how much idi that set u back if u dont mind me asking ?
  9. thats a good 1 mate i was goin tae ask the same thing am thinking of roofing the run as well as the kennel
  10. when does a pat stop growing? mine is 5 months and stands bout 8 an a half inches the now
  11. hi guys am on the look out for a locater wich dus the bis and is under a hundred pounds any 1 know of any cheers
  12. iam trying to get hold of a single terrier box off of gonetoearth dus any 1 have his details? thanks lee.
  13. hi guys ive just got my first pat and its my first terrier and iam wondering how to go about traning him for rats and rabbits is it just buit in him or do i have to train it into him i ve had spaniels and still have 2 and there trained to the whistle and gun as i do alot of shotgun work and softed mouthed i no that terriers r the oppeset and i want him 2 rag dolll rats lol and rabbits hes only 4 and a half month old the now got him from a game keeper on the scottish borders any help appreciated chheers lee.
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